용기사 닌자의 길 히스/대사
I am Heath, a wyvern rider formerly from Bern. If you're looking for a ninja, I'm ready to serve. | 俺はヒース。ベルンの竜騎士崩れだが腕には自信がある。忍者の役回りも責任を持ってこなしてみせるぜ。 |
Maybe I should ask Legault for some tips on covert operations... Nah, better not associate with his type. | 隠密行動ってのはどうも苦手だ。得意そうなのはラガルトか?いやいや、あいつとは関わるまい… |
I want to serve a lord who puts the people first and does not give in to selfish desires. | 私利私欲に溺れるより一番に民を思いやれる…そんな主のために俺は働きたい。 |
When I think of skill with a bow, I think of Lady Louise. Ah, but now is not the time to reminisce... | 弓と言えばルイーズ様の見事な腕前を思い出すな…ダメだダメだ。今は祭りに集中しろ! |
If I want to tail someone from above, all I have to do is get on Hyperion... so long as he's actually awake. | ハイペリオンがいれば上空からの偵察もお手のものさ。って、今は腹一杯で眠そうにしてるな。 |
I do not consider myself the stealthy sort. Even as a ninja, I prefer a fair and straightforward fight. | 背後からっていうのは性に合わないな。忍者といえど正々堂々勝負したいところだ。 |
친구 방문
I am Heath, a wyvern rider—well, at present, a ninja. I have something for you from [Friend]. | [フレンド]の騎士…いえ、今は忍者として仕えているヒースです。こちらをお納めください。 |
레벨 업
You'd be proud of me, Commander Vaida. I've finally found a place where I can fight with a clear conscience. | ヴァイダ隊長…俺は戦う場所を見つけましたよ! |
Show me an opening, and I will strike without hesitation! That's what a ninja would do, right? | 俺はその隙を見逃さない…!どうだ、さまになってきただろ? |
A ninja must be calm and collected at all times. Flying off the handle will get me nowhere. | 忍者ってのは冷静沈着でないとな。熱くなりすぎないように気をつけないと。 |
I am proud, at last, to risk my life and limb for a lord who's truly worthy of my service. | よい主に恵まれたようだな。命をかける甲斐がある! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I'm a mercenary now. That means I'll do what my employer asks of me—within reason, of course. I never expected to be recruited as a ninja, though. I think Hyperion is bewildered by it too. Ninja earn a living in the shadows, risking their lives to keep their lords safe. I've...had bad luck with lords. As a knight, all I ever wanted was to swear fealty with a clean conscience. Askr has given me that, in a way. Here, I can take pride in fighting to protect the people. As a ninja and a knight, you can count on me to serve with devotion. Thank you for inviting me to this festival. | 今の俺は傭兵だ。道理が通る任務ならなんだって応えてやりたい。 しかし、まさか忍者になるなんて依頼が来るとはな。ハイペリオンもびっくりしているぜ。 忍者というやつは主のために影に潜み命をかける生業らしいな。 今まで主に恵まれたわけではなかった。俺は騎士として忠義を捧げる主をずっと探してたんだ。 だけど、アスク王国では誰かの笑顔を守るために誇りを持って戦える。 忍者だろうと騎士であろうと忠義を貫くことに変わりはない。祭りに誘ってくれたこと、感謝する! |
- | やっ |
- | 散れ! |
- | うっ… |
- | しくじった…! |
오의 발동
I'll finish you off! | 仕留めてやる |
All part of the job. | これも任務だ |
For my lord! | 主のために! |
Watch these arrows fly! | この弓をもって! |
Now I've done it... | ああ…やっちまった… |
- | ふっ |
A festival from another world, huh? Makes sense... This outfit is something else. | 異国の祭りか…こんな格好は初めてだ。 |
Huh?! Oh, it's you. I didn't think you could sneak up on me. | うわっ!? …あんた、気配消すのうまいな。 |
Hyperion's a bit sluggish. He may have eaten too much. Come on, buddy, stay sharp! | ハイペリオンがご馳走もらって眠くなったみたいで…おい、頼むぜ? |
Being stealthy on the back of a wyvern is no easy feat. Hyperion's not subtle. | 飛竜に乗って目立たないようにってのも難しいな… |
Honestly, I have a hard time not breaking cover. I'm liable to say what I really think. | 俺は密偵だの諜報だのには向いてないんだ。すぐ熱くなるからな… |
Commander Vaida... She could pull off an assassination without a hitch. | ヴァイダ隊長なら、暗殺任務も完璧にこなすんだろうな… |
I could dig up your deepest, darkest secrets... Hah! Relax, I'm only kidding. | あんたの秘密も探ってやろうか? ははっ、何てな。 |
아군 턴 터치
Right. | ああ |
Let's apply some pressure. | どう攻める? |
I'll go silently. | 忍ぶか… |