떠돌이 닌자 헤더/대사


I'm Heather. I came to fleece some gullible—I mean, to enjoy dressing up amid such lovely company!私はヘザーっていうの。祭りの見物客から稼ぎに……じゃなかった、忍者に成りきって遊ぶの、楽しみよ!

So that's Princess Sharena of Askr, huh? Hmm... Not bad.へえ、あの子シャロンっていうのね。アスクの王女様か……ふぅん。いいじゃない。
Much as I'm loving the experience of being a ninja, I wouldn't want to be any nation's pawn either.いいわね、忍者って!でも国の組織の一員ということは切り捨てられる駒に変わりないのよね。
Something you need, or are you just happy to see me?!な、なぁに?私に何か用かしら?
I couldn't care less about most people, but I can't just sit back when a girl's in trouble.男たちはどうでもいいけど、若い女の子が困っていたら見過ごせないわ。
Hate to leave the pretty girls, but it's time to find a mark, get the goods, and move. Be home soon, Mom!盗るもの盗ったら、さっさと帰りましょ。母さんが心配して待ってるわ。美女たちは名残惜しいけど…

친구 방문

I'm Heather—a ninja in the employ of [Friend], for now.[フレンド]のところで世話になっているヘザーよ。いまはわけあって忍者やってるわ。

레벨 업

A lethal blow, too quick for the eye to catch! I seem to be getting the hang of this ninja thing.目にも止まらぬ早業、必殺の一撃!私って忍者の才能あるんじゃない?
Lucky me!今日はついてるわ。
It's just not my day...今日はツキがないかもね。


Aw, you shouldn't have. No, really— I'd much prefer gold.まあ悪い気はしないわね。この先は報酬が必要になるけど。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hah! A spectacular payday, and I hardly had to use any of my usual tricks.
Oh, hello! It's not what you think— I actually earned this money, fair and square. I was performing!
I get captured by a nasty lord, I suffer for a bit, and then I make a daring escape. The audience goes wild for it.
Oh, you were there? And Princess Sharena too? Hmm... Interesting...
Say, where is Princess Sharena now? I'd love to catch up with her before she turns in for the night!





오의 발동

Wrong place, wrong time...邪魔よ
Now, you stop that!やだ、最高…!
Watch this.目立っちゃうわ


Not yet...いやよ…まだ…


All I have to do is bat my eyelashes, and the marks come running.こういう格好で油断させるわけね…ほんと、男って馬鹿なんだから。
*giggle* Oh, you're adorable.きゃっ…! こんな可愛いことをするのは女の子のはず…!
Espionage is one of my many strengths. Didn't you know?はーい! 諜報活動は得意中の得意でーす!
A ninja is basically a spy, right? This festival was made for me, I'm telling you.忍者って要するに隠密でしょ? 私のためにあるような祭りね。
While I'm disguised, I can flirt with all the women I want.私も仮装した方が女の子に声をかけやすいって寸法よ。
So many pretty girls all dressed up. What fun!仮装した可愛い女の子がいっぱい…。やだ、最高…!
Maybe I'll steal your secrets too. *laugh* Kidding, kidding!あなたの秘密も探り出しちゃうわよ? なんてね。

아군 턴 터치

I'm ready!はーい!
Come on, let's go.いいからいいから

캐릭터 페이지로