사랑 축제의 투기자 헥토르/대사


I'm Hector. Huh? You didn't summon me here hoping for a gift, did you?俺はヘクトル。ん? もしかして、贈り物が欲しくて俺を呼んだわけか?

So your world has a festival that celebrates love too, huh?
What kind of people would win your world's tournament?
You're wasting your time if you came to me for gift-giving advice.
What I have to share on that matter could hardly be classified as "advice."
I don't know if it's because of the festival or what, but... Does everyone seem a bit rowdy to you?おいおい、愛の祭だかなんだか知らねえが、みんな浮ついてねーか?
There's a whole row of stalls in town selling all sorts of treats. And they all look mighty sweet to me.
But the only treat I need is a good tournament!
Eliwood and I used to spar all the time. He's not as sturdy as I am, but he still gave me a run for my money!昔からエリウッドとは手合わせをしててな。あいつは俺ほど体が丈夫じゃないが…結構強いんだぜ。俺と互角ってとこだな。

친구 방문

I've got a gift for you, from [Friend]. But if you don't want it... I'll take it.[フレンド]からの贈り物を届けに来たぜ。いらねーなら持って帰るが。

레벨 업

Victory at the tournament will be mine!闘技の優勝は俺がいただいたぜ!
Can't lose focus just because it's festival time.愛の祭だからって気は抜かねーぜ。
Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself here...やれやれ、俺も気が浮ついてたわけか…?


Guess I need to return the favor. So, uh... What do you want?なんかでこの礼をしねーとな…何が欲しいんだ?

5성 40레벨 달성

Gift giving isn't really my thing, but I know a good gift can show someone how grateful you are to them.
So I guess that means I should hand some out... I'll get something for my daughter Lilina, and for Eliwood.
But I never know what to say when I hand over a gift. It's always just kind of...embarrassing...
Say, [Summoner]... Why don't you help me come up with something? I'm really hopeless here.
You'll do it? Great! I owe you big time! Heh, guess that means I'll have to get something for you, too.


Take this!受け取れ!



오의 발동

Got a present for you!贈り物だぜ!
Take this!くれてやるぜ!
My arm is singin'!腕が鳴るぜ!
I ain't sweet!甘くねーぞ!


Took 'em too lightly...甘く…見ちまったか…


The name's Hector. Now, where's this tournament I heard about?ヘクトルだ。なあ、闘技大会はどこでやってんだ?
Whoa! Hey, what's with you? Don't sneak up on a guy like that!うおっ!? …なんだお前かよ、おどかすな。
So, is Eliwood around? I can't relax until we spar.エリウッドはどこだ? あいつと手合わせしねえと落ち着かなくてな。
Just so we're clear... I will not, under any circumstances, allow my daughter to get married! She's not gonna be anybody's bride.言っとくが、娘は絶対、嫁にやらねーからな!
What would I like? Well, I guess… Maybe a bite to eat. Or a good weapon!俺が欲しいもの? そうだな…食いもんか武器か…
Never thought I'd see the day my daughter was giving me presents...…まさか、娘から贈り物をもらう日が来るとはな…
I've never been great at picking out gifts, but I promise I'll keep you safe.気の利いた贈り物はできねーが…お前のことは俺が守る。

아군 턴 터치

What do you want?何が欲しいんだ?
You'll make the right choice.悩むことねーよ

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