꿀의 치유하는 손 헤이드룬/대사


My name is Heiðrún. Are you feeling all right? If you need refreshment, I can offer you some nectar...ヘイズルーンと申します。お体の具合はいかがでしょうか?もしよろしければ、私の蜜を…

In the Healing Hands, I traveled the nine realms healing the ill. I was very busy, but I've never been happier.【癒し手】だった頃…私も九の世界の色々な場所で、人々を癒してきました。忙しくて、でも、幸せでした…
There was nothing I could do for the Quieting Hands... I'm of no use when it comes to combat.私はどうしても、【葬り手】として戦うことはできませんでした…役立たずです…
My nectar heals maladies and toxins in the body. It helps whoever drinks it grow healthy again.私の蜜は、身体の中の病や毒を癒し、皆さんを元気にするお手伝いをします。
Father, Eikþyrnir, Hræsvelgr, Níðhöggr, Ratatoskr... They will always be my family.お父様、お兄様、フレスベルグ、ニーズヘッグ、ラタトスク…私の大切な家族です。
Ratatoskr is so sweet. I hope her future is a bright one—I do.ラタトスクは、本当に良い子です。あの子には、幸せな未来を歩んでほしい、そう思います…

친구 방문

I am Heiðrún. Have some nectar. I've come all the way from [Friend]'s castle.ヘイズルーンと申します。[フレンド]様のもとから、蜜をお届けに参りました。

레벨 업

I... I really can fight?戦えている…?ほ、本当でしょうか?
Have I been of use, at least?私も、お役に立てたでしょうか…?
I wish I were better at this...役立たずですみません…


Thank you. Might I offer you some nectar in exchange?ありがとうございます。もしよろしければ、お礼に私の蜜を…

5성 40레벨 달성

As the Healing Hands, we helped those who were suffering.
But Father brought an end to that when he forced everyone to kill...
I was helpless to stop them. I wish there were something I could have done, but...
I'm just...not strong enough.
Thank you for listening...
You are both strong and kind... I wish I could be more like you.





오의 발동

I am a healer.争いより癒しを…
Stop this.おやめください
The fighting must end.もうよしましょう
Am I so useless?お役に立たないと


I never wanted this...戦いたく…ないです…


My name is Heiðrún—once known as the nectar of the Healing Hands.私は、ヘイズルーンと申します。 蜜の【癒し手】です。
*startle* Oh, are you in need of healing?きゃあ…!? あ、蜜をお飲みになりたいのですか?
If I could fight like my siblings... If I could share their burden...私もきょうだいたちのように…戦えたらよかった。罪を分け合うことができたら…
To have the opportunity to use my gift is a blessing I welcome.私の蜜で誰かを癒せるなら…それは幸せなことです。
Father was once kind. But...no longer.お父様は、優しい方でした。でも、変わってしまわれました…
I hope Ratatoskr is staying safe...ラタトスク…あの子は無事でいるのでしょうか…?
Please, drink of my nectar. Allow it to do its soothing work...どうぞ、私の蜜をお飲みください。楽になるはずですから…

아군 턴 터치

All right.はい
Will you direct me?どうしましょうか?
Nectar on the way.蜜をご希望ですか?

캐릭터 페이지로