무구한 여신 헤이드/대사


Y-you summoned...me? I hope Seiðr doesn't get the wrong idea, with you being her destined and all...もしかして、あなたが私を召喚…?きゃあ、そんな…いけませんわ、あなたにはお姉様というお相手が…

Midgard is so full of people... I'm happy to have this opportunity to meet them all.ミズガルズにはとってもたくさんの人々がいらっしゃるのでしょう?お会いできるのを楽しみにしておりましたの。
Seiðr and I were raised together like sisters—and we look so similar, you'd be surprised to learn we're not!私はお姉様と姉妹同然に育ちました。本当の姉妹みたいにそっくりでしょう?
Is there something unusual about my outfit here in this world?あら? どうかなさいました?私の格好、外の世界では珍しいのでしょうか?
You must not lie to a goddess. So, tell me the truth... What do you think of Seið?女神に嘘をついてはいけませんの。ですから、正直にお答えくださいね。お姉様のことをどう思っているか…
They say goddesses are born in light. I can't say I have any memories from when I came to be, myself...女神は光と共に生まれるのです。私はいつどこで生まれたのか…はっきりとは憶えていないのですけれど…

친구 방문

I am Heiðr, goddess of Vanaheimr. Would you...be willing to show me around this castle of yours?私はヘイズ、ヴァナの女神の一人ですわ。…ちょっとだけ、お城の中を見せていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?

레벨 업

Do you think I'll grow to be as strong as Seiðr if I continue on like this?お姉様のように、強く美しい女神になれるでしょうか?
Don't worry over me. I am still a goddess of Vanaheimr, after all.心配いりませんわ。私もヴァナの女神ですもの。
I hope you can forgive this... I'm rather embarrassed.お恥ずかしい…お許しくださいませ。


Thank you, but... I hope you didn't forget to give Seiðr a gift as well. I don't want her to feel left out...ありがとうございます。ですが、お姉様が寂しい思いをなさらないでしょうか…?

5성 40레벨 달성

Goddesses can create children of their own... Did you know that, [Summoner]?
Like you, I have a mother... I know she exists, somewhere. I exist, so I know she created me.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that I don't know her.
Even so, knowing she's out there is like a light in the darkness—even if I never am able to meet her.
This curse is sure to be the end of me soon. I can feel how little time I have left...
I'm still grateful for what time I was given.





오의 발동

I will do as Seið would!お姉様みたいに
Will of the gods!天罰ですわ
Revealing light!光よ――
We must battle.戦いですもの


It's not your fault, Seið...ごめんなさい…お姉様…


I'm Heiðr. I know I may not look the part, but I am a goddess of Vanaheimr.私はヘイズ。こう見えて、ヴァナの女神の一人ですの。
Ah— But your destiny lies with my sister!ひゃあっ!? いけませんわ、あなたにはお姉様という人が…
So then, this is Seiðr's destined... How exciting!あなたが、お姉様の運命の人ですのね…どきどきしてしまいます…
A goddess who gives the gift of revelation will be wholly bound to their destined... That's no small matter!神託を授けた人間に、女神は身も心もすべてを捧げて…きゃ、なんて大胆…
Seiðr is so kind... She has always been like a sister to me.お姉様は私をとても可愛がってくださいます。本当の姉妹のように…
I'm sorry, Seið... I would never wish this on you...…私のせいで…ごめんなさい、お姉様…
I hope you show Seiðr the kindness she deserves... Oh, should I say please?お姉様ともども、可愛がってくださいませ…きゃっ、恥ずかしい…

아군 턴 터치

I have no doubt.はい
What can I do?どうしますの?
A goddess abides.女神ですもの

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