지옥의 여름의 헬빈디/대사


I'm Helbindi. Next to the dirt hole I crawled out of, this beach is like some kind of damn paradise.俺はヘルビンディ。夏なんざ、俺のクソ故郷に比べりゃ楽園みてーなもんだぜ。

Hmph! Everyone 'round here seems so damn anxious... Me? I'm great!チッ、どいつもこいつも緊張感に欠けるんじゃねーか?…俺? 俺はいいんだよクソが!
Lemme tell ya, back in Múspell, the idea of swimming in some ocean never even crossed my mind.ムスペルにいた頃は海に遊びに行くなんざ考えたこともなかったぜ。
You call this heat? Pathetic. Múspell winters are hotter than this.これしきの暑さで汗かくわけねーだろ。ムスペルには地獄の炎が燃えてんだぜ。
Back in the filth pile I'm from, all we had was a stinking swamp... This big blue ocean is somethin' else.俺のクソ故郷じゃ…沼で泳ぐことはあっても、こんなクソ広い場所で泳いだことはねーな。
That Ylgr brat is at the beach too?! Come and play with me, she says... Hrmph. We'll see about that.あのガキも海に来てんのかよ!遊んでくれってつきまといやがって、ったく…

친구 방문

Name's Helbindi. I hate doing stuff like this, but I had to...this time. You can thank [Friend].俺はヘルビンディ。[フレンド]から挨拶してこいとよ。クソ面倒くせえ!

레벨 업

Things are finally starting to get interesting around here! Maybe the beach ain't so bad after all!盛り上がってきたじゃねーか!海も悪くねーな!
Yeah! I'm gettin' fired up!おらおら! もっと俺を熱くしてみろ!
Huh? What the hell?! How pathetic.ちっ、立ちくらみするとはクソ情けねー!


Not bad! You got any more?悪くねーじゃねーか!もっとよこしてもいいんだぜ!

5성 40레벨 달성

When I was invited to the beach, the idea itself pissed me off.
But I gotta admit, it turns out the beach ain't half bad.
Lots of little brats running around, having fun... If Menja were here, I bet she'd be doing the same...
...Ugh, never mind... And quit looking at me like that, got it?
Anyway, I guess I'll stick with you if this is the kind of thing I'm in for. So...where ya makin' me go next?





오의 발동

Hotter'n Múspell!ムスペルの熱だ!
Can't take the heat? Heh.暑さでくたばれ!
Last thing you'll look at.みてんじゃねーぞ!?
Eat sand!くらいやがれ!


Dead in the water...…海の藻屑…ってわけか…


Now what?ったく…
Me? Been to the ocean before? You're funny.俺のクソ故郷には、海なんてもんはなかったがな
Who do you think you're pushing?うぉっ!? て、てめー押しやがったな!?
Look at me in this damn swimsuit! Nuts to that.水着だ…? なんで俺がこんな格好を…
You laughin' at me? I will end you.何笑ってんだてめーぶっとばすぞ!
You call this hot? I come from Múspell.ムスペルの暑さに比べりゃ、大したことねーな
Maybe Menja'll show up. Maybe...メニヤが…ここへ来るかもしれねーからな…
Hey, you! My sister... You could maybe... Ehhh, forget it.なあ…てめーなら俺の妹を…いや、なんでもねえ

아군 턴 터치

You call this summer?夏だと…?
I'm gonna swim.泳いでやるぜ

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