넘쳐흐르는 자애 헨리에테/대사


I am the queen of Askr, Henriette. The Day of Devotion is my favorite time of year. I hope you enjoy it too.アスク王国の王妃、ヘンリエッテよ。愛の祭りは一年で一番好きなお祭りなの。あなたも楽しんでね。

If the world was free from war, would every day be more like the Day of Devotion?世界から争いがなくなれば毎日が愛の祭りみたいになるんじゃないかしら?
Every soul in Askr is precious to me, like family. That includes the Heroes too of course.アスク王国の人々は私にとって大切な家族のようなもの。ヴァイス・ブレイヴのみんなもね。
I may not be a great warrior, but I excel at supporting those who are important to me.
That's a technique born of love, wouldn't you say?
Back then, we'd always enjoy the Day of Devotion festivities together. Hm? Oh, just thinking of the past...実は昔も、あの人と一緒に愛の祭りに参加したことがあるの。あの頃を思い出すわね…
It's a lovely outfit, don't you think? I've been preparing for this festival since it appeared on the horizon.ふふっ、素敵な衣装でしょ?愛の祭りがあると聞いて張り切って用意したの!

친구 방문

My, what a lovely castle! Now, I have an invitation to the Day of Devotion festival from [Friend].あらあら、とってもいいお城ね![フレンド]から愛の祭りの招待状を預かってきたわ。

레벨 업

Fear not, for we have love on our side.恐れるものはなにもないわ。だって、私たちにはたくさんの愛があるんですもの。
Chin up. It's the Day of Devotion, after all!ほらほら、もっと笑って。せっかくの愛のお祭りなんだものね。
Hmm... I can't seem to get in the spirit today...うーん、今日はなんだか気が乗らないわね…


Oh, for me? Are you sure? I will take good care of it.あらあら、もらっちゃっていいの?大事にするわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Are you enjoying the festival? I love every moment of it, of course.
Love is an odd thing... It's not like any legendary weapon or tome, but it can steel our hearts.
It creates bonds between us and our children, and their children... and on even beyond that.
I hope Alfonse and Sharena learn the power of love as I have. That would make me truly happy.
Of course, with your love for this land as a model, they can learn much, [Summoner].
But enough talk of the future. This festival isn't over. So let us take the opportunity to celebrate love.


No, no, no!だめよ!


Not good...いけない…

오의 발동

I don't want to lose control.自分を見失わないように…
That power... Never again.もう二度と、あの力は…
I am holding back.本気は出さないわよ
I apologize.ごめんなさいね


I'm so sorry, Sharena...ごめんなさい…シャロン…


I'm Alfonse and Sharena's mother. Please, call me Henriette.ヘンリエッテ、って呼んでね。アルフォンスたちのお母さんよ。
Aah! Oh, you. You like to tease people, don't you?きゃんっ!? もう、いたずらっ子ね。
Oh, I'm so glad to see that all of you are doing well. I've been so worried!まあ、無事だったのね! 良かった…心配してたのよ。
Alfonse has a tendency to rush in. He's very brave, but as his mother...it worries me.アルフォンスはとっても勇敢だから、お母さん心配なの
Sharena is so sweet, but that just makes me worry about her more.シャロンはとっても可愛いから、お母さん心配なの
It doesn't matter what happens to me. As long as my children are safe...あの子たちのためなら…私はどうなっても…
I feel my whole family owes you a debt of gratitude.私たち家族みんな…あなたにはお世話になりっぱなしね

아군 턴 터치

Yes, of course!はいはい
What now?どうしましょ?
Right away!急がなくちゃ

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