망가진 마음의 헨리/대사
Hiya! I'm Henry, and I don't want to brag, but I'm preeeeetty much the scariest dark mage in Plegia! | あはは! 僕はヘンリーだよ~!ペレジア出身の呪術師なんだ~!君の呪いたい人は誰~? |
It's so boring here. Without any Risen, who am I supposed to pluck the arms and legs off of? Flies aren't the same... | ここに屍兵がいないの、つまんないな~。腕をもいだり、足をもいだりして遊べる敵がこの世界にはいないんだもん~。 |
I kinda miss wizard school. That's where I learned to smile all the time! Also where I got my pain tolerance. | 僕、小さい頃は施設にいたんだ~。そこの教育は厳しくて痛かったけど、おかげでこんな明るい性格になれたよ~。 |
You doing OK, [Summoner]? No battlefield injuries or anything? I'd hate for you to die yet! | [召喚師]、大丈夫~?戦場で怪我とかしてないよね~?僕、君が死んじゃったらやだな~。 |
Want to help me with an experiment real quick? It's a hex that kills 100 people at once! | ねえ、呪術の実験に付き合ってよ~!僕、早く完成させたいんだよね~、百人を一気に殺せちゃう呪い~! |
I've been collecting crow feathers for a while. I wonder how many I need to fly... | カラスの羽を集めてたよ~。あはは、これだけいっぱいあったら空も飛べちゃうかもしれないね~。 |
친구 방문
Say, are you [Summoner]? I come with a big hello from [Friend]! | 君が[召喚師]~?[フレンド]が君にね、よろしく~って言ってたよ~! |
레벨 업
I'm a hex of a lot stronger now. Ha! Get it? | 今なら何だって呪えちゃうよ~。 |
Ohhh, wow! When did I grow that? | やった~。強くなったよ~。 |
Nya ha! I hardly learned a thing! | あはは、あんまり変わってないや~。 |
Oooh! New powers! So who do you want me to curse? | 僕を強くしてくれたの~?誰か呪って欲しいのかな~? |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh! Planning on sending me out to kill some more, [Summoner]? Nya ha! That's great! Who's my target? A Hero? Emblian soldier? Oh! Could it be someone in the Order of Heroes? Huh? Allies don't kill each other? Who told you THAT? Eh, if you say so, I guess... Then again, I like this place, and I wouldn't want anyone to die. You won't die, will you, [Summoner]? If you died, I'd have to invent a horrible new hex for whoever killed you. So just...stay alive, OK? | あ、[召喚師]だ~!また僕を戦場に出してくれるんだね、あはは、嬉しいよ~! 今日は誰をやっちゃえばいいの~?英雄? エンブラ兵? それとも…特務機関の誰かを殺しちゃう~? …え、仲間を殺すことは絶対にない?そうなんだ、変なの~。仲間同士でも殺しあうことはあるのに~。 でも僕、ここが気に入ったから…誰かがいなくなるのは嫌かもね~。特に君が死んじゃったら、すごく嫌~。 もし君が戦場で死んじゃったら、殺した奴にすごい呪いをかけちゃうかも。だから…絶対に生き残ってよね~。 |
そーれっ | |
あははっ |
うわっ | |
That smarts... | いたた… |
오의 발동
Here, have some death! | 死んじゃえ~ |
Special delivery! | 楽しいな~ |
Ooh! This'll hurt! | ちょっと痛いよ~? |
It's curse o'clock! | 呪っちゃうよ~ |
Hurts nice... | あは…強いんだね… |
Heehee | ふふっ |
Wanna play? | 一緒に遊ぶ~? |
Need someone cursed? | 誰か呪ってほしいの~? |
All my best friends are crows. | 僕、カラスとお友達なんだよ~ |
Ready to trade that white cape for a black one like mine? | 君たちのマントは真っ白だね~あはは、僕は真っ黒~ |
You don't think I'm scary, do you? | 僕は明るい呪術師だから、怖くないでしょ~? |
I wonder if it'll hurt when I die... | 死ぬ時は楽に死にたいよね~ |
You need somebody killed? It's no trouble. Like, at all. | 戦うのはだいすきだよ~戦場では、君の気に入らないやつを誰でも殺してあげる~ |
아군 턴 터치
OK! | は~い |
Oh! | えへへ |
You got it! | 誰を殺す~? |