게으름뱅이 영애 힐다/대사


Oh, me? I'm Hilda. As long as you don't saddle me with any hard work, we should get along just fine.あたし? ヒルダよー。なんで呼ばれたのかわからないけど、面倒なことは他の人に頼んでねー?

I'm not sure why I'm here. This Hero stuff seems important and all, but it isn't really "me," you know?[召喚師]さん、なんであたしを召喚したのよー?英雄なんて柄じゃないのにー。
The Officers Academy turned out to be more work than I expected. Now, at least, I can just relax...right?楽しむつもりで士官学校に入ったけど、思ったよりも大変だったなー。この世界は課題がないから少し楽かもー?
You're on a patrol, huh? But you practically run the place. Why didn't you get someone else to do it?お散歩? あ、見回りかー。もしかして特務機関って、見張りの兵も足りてないのー?
I'm hungry. Why don't you take me out to dinner in town? The fancier, the better!今度、街に連れていってほしいなー。せっかく知らない世界に来たんだし、何か美味しいもの食べたーい。
I was writing a letter to my brother. Force of habit. I have a whole stack of letters I can't even send him.兄さんに手紙を書いてたんだー。届かないのはわかってるんだけど、もう習慣になっちゃっててー。

친구 방문

Your friend made me come all this way to say hello. So...hello, I guess. I hope that was worth it.[フレンド]がよろしく伝えてってー。自分で言いに来ればいいのにねー。

레벨 업

I'm going to take a well-earned break.あたし、頑張りすぎかなー?
Maybe hard work does pay off.あれ、強くなっちゃったかもー。
I knew it wasn't worth the effort.あはは…怠けすぎちゃったかもー。


Thanks, but...you don't expect me to actually use this, do you?新しい力? そういうのは、もっと強い人にあげればいいのにー。

5성 40레벨 달성

You probably think that I'm just a run-of-the-mill slacker, don't you?
Well, you're right. But you're also wrong. See, I just don't like dealing with people's expectations.
If someone overestimates my ability and I let them down, they're just going to be disappointed in me.
That...kinda scares me, to be honest. So I avoid doing anything that might end in failure.
But when it comes to you, I have this weird, unexplainable urge to help out.
I'm going to make more of an effort around here. Just don't bury me in high expectations, OK?





오의 발동

You're making me work!もー面倒くさいなー
That's enough!いい加減にしてよねー
Gotta put in some effort now and then!たまには本気出しちゃおっかなー
Looks like it's up to me!あたしがやるしかないみたいねー


This is...terrible...なにこれ…最悪…


Do you need something?ヒルダちゃんに、何かご用?
Hey! What's the big idea?わわ! ちょっと、なになに!?
Just don't expect too much from me, OK?あたしに、あんまり期待しないでよねー
You're asking a delicate flower like me for help?か弱い乙女に、何をさせる気なのよー
Let's chat over a nice cup of tea.紅茶でも飲みながらお喋りしようよー
My brother must be worried sick about me...兄さん、心配してるかなー
How about I make you a nice necklace or something? That shouldn't be too much trouble.首飾りでも作ってあげよっか? あたし、手先は器用なのよねー

아군 턴 터치

If I must!はーい
Do I have to?行かなきゃダメ?
If you insist!行きますかー

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