사무라이 신랑 히나타/대사


Name's Hinata! I'm a samurai from Hoshido. Keep your trap shut about the outfit—they made me put it on.白夜王国の侍、ヒナタだ!え? この衣装か?祭りで花婿役をやらされてんだよ!

If I ever settle down and have kids of my own, I'd want them to be samurai just like their pops!いつか俺も本当に結婚して子どもができたら…そのときはやっぱり侍になってほしいよな!
Oboro and me were just arguing over who's more loyal to Lord Takumi... Heh. Some things never change, huh?オボロとは、どっちがタクミ様への忠誠心が高いかよく競ってたんだよな。へへ…なんだか懐かしいや。
Might be hard to do katana training in this outfit. But hey, I'm not one to shrink from a challenge!刀の稽古なら喜んでやるけどさ。どうもこういう格好は苦手で…よし、これも修行の一環と思うか!
You like the duds? Oboro made them. She's from a kimono-making family, y'know!この着物、オボロが用意してくれたんだ。呉服屋の娘だけあって、こういうのを作るのが上手いんだよな。
I changed up my hairstyle for the occasion. Still looks OK, right? I gotta take care that it doesn't get mussed.今日はせっかく髪型も整えたんだ。暴れて崩さないようにしないとな…大丈夫だよな? ハネてないよな?

친구 방문

Hey! Put your debauching face on! There's a big festival happening at [Friend]'s castle!
Why not come and join the party, [Summoner]?

레벨 업

I put the grrr in groom!最強の花婿を目指さないとな!
I'm getting used to this outfit!だんだん、この着物にも慣れてきたぜ!
Aw, come on! Where's the love?げっ、これじゃ愛想尽かされちまう!


You made an honest man outta me!ありがとな!これで男っぷりも上がったかな?

5성 40레벨 달성

Listen, I'm gonna ask you something, and you gotta give it to me straight. Do I...look weird in these clothes?
Because lemme tell ya, I sure FEEL weird in them! Even thinking about getting hitched makes my head hurt.
My whole life's been about my katana, and serving Takumi. Never gave much thought to love.
I know it's just in fun, but these fancy rags feel like a big joke, with me as the punchline!
Ugh. Maybe I just gotta think of it as... practice. If I ever do find the right gal, I wanna make her happy, after all.
Yeah! This festival's my chance to train up! I'm gonna learn how to be the groomiest groom there ever was!
俺が花婿役か…な、なあ、[召喚師]大丈夫かな? おかしなところはないか?





오의 발동

Outta my way!邪魔すんな!
This, I vow!これが誓いだ!
Guess I better do this!仕方ねぇなあ!
Get behind me!お前を守る!


Too soon...俺には…まだ早いって…


I'm Hinata, of Hoshido. *pause* See somethin' funny? Laugh it up!白夜王国のヒナタだ。…何だよ、笑いたきゃ笑えよ!
Waaah! I'm... I'm off-kilter today. Must be the clothes.うひゃあっ!? …くそっ、柄にもねえ恰好してるから油断したぜ。
MARRIAGE? Look, I...I haven't given that any thought. J-just drop it. OK?け、けけっ、結婚!? そんなの、まだ考えたこともねーよ!
Lord Takumi's the one who should be wearing these clothes. He could pull this off, not me.こういう格好はさぁ…タクミ様とかのほうが絶対似合うだろ!?
I'm skipping training today. Don't want to get my stink on the formalwear.衣装が汚れちまうから、今日は刀の稽古はできねえな。
Yeesh... How did I get myself roped into wearing this getup?あーあ…なんで俺がこんな格好しなきゃいけねえんだよ…
Look, I don't really get the whole thing that's going on here, but… Whatever comes, I'll give you everything I've got.俺、こういうのよく分かんねえけど…お前は絶対守ってやるからな!

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかったよ
You sure?それでいいのか?
I'll lead!俺についてこい!

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