쌍야의 해적왕녀 히노카/대사


P-pirates?! We—princesses—are playing at being pirates? Princess Camilla, what's going on here?!か、海賊!?私たち王女二人が、海賊役だと?カミラ王女、説明してくれ!

Hinoka : While I appreciate the work put into the costuming, I can't help but wonder...
There wasn't any way to add a little more...costume to the costume?
ヒノカ : 用意してくれたことには感謝するがもう少し慎みのある装束はなかったのだろうか…
Camilla : Take what you want, by force if you must... The pirate's life might be just my style.カミラ : 欲しいものは力で奪う…海賊の生き方には少しだけ共感できるわね。
Hinoka : I'm usually defending against pirates, so I feel a little on edge wearing all this, even if it is just a costume.ヒノカ : 海賊を取り締まるべき立場の私が仮装とはいえ、このような格好は少々気がひけるな。
Camilla : Ooh, you want a better look at our pirate costumes, do you? Well, don't be shy... Come a little closer!カミラ : ふふっ、[召喚師]。私たちの海賊姿、もっと近くでじっくり見てもいいのよ…?
Hinoka : Are there pirates in your world as well, [Summoner]?
If there are, you can count on our help in pacifying them!
ヒノカ : [召喚師]の異界にも海賊はいるのか?いるのなら私たちも討伐に力を貸そう。

친구 방문

Camilla : As you can see, we are dressed in pirate garb. The pirate festival is on at [Friend]'s castle!カミラ : 見ての通り、今の私たちは海賊。[フレンド]の城では海賊の祭りで盛り上がっているのよ。

레벨 업

Hinoka : Ryoma, Takumi, Sakura, forgive me... I am becoming a pirate in both body and mind...ヒノカ : リョウマ兄様、タクミ、サクラ…私は身も心も海賊になってしまった…
Camilla : I'll be taking all the treasure, thank you very much—and I may just steal your heart while I'm at it.カミラ : ふふっ、お宝は全部いただいていくわ。ついでに、あなたの心もね。
Hinoka : Playing the part of pirate is not my favorite, as it turns out... Can we reconsider this, Princess Camilla?ヒノカ : やはり海賊役など気が進まない!考え直そう、カミラ王女!


Camilla : To think I'd find such booty... This pirate work isn't bad, is it?カミラ : こんなお宝に巡り会えるだなんて…海賊稼業、悪くないわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Camilla : I believe the treasures we hold in our hearts are very much the same, Princess Hinoka.
Hinoka : The treasure in our hearts, huh? Hm... I think I know what you mean!
I'm not sure how to describe it either, but we seem to be on the same page.
Camilla : The law and propriety are trivial when it comes to protecting what is truly precious to us.
If a precious thing is taken from us, we go to any lengths to retrieve it, no matter what.
No arbitrary rules would be able to stop us!
Hinoka : That's right I would use every ounce of my strength to reclaim such a thing!
Camilla : Hm-hm-hmm... Perhaps you're more suited for the pirate's life than you had imagined, Princess Hinoka...
I'm happy I thought to invite you to come to this festival with me.
カミラ : ヒノカ王女、私とあなたの心の中にある宝は…おそらく同じものだと思うの。
ヒノカ : 心の中にある宝…そ、そうだな。口にせずとも思い描くものは同じだろう。
カミラ : 大切なものを守るためなら私たちにとっては法や規律なんて些細なもの。
ヒノカ : もちろんだ…!すべての障害を乗り越えて私は全力で大切なものを取り戻す!
カミラ : ふふっ、やっぱりヒノカ王女は海賊向きだわ。この祭りに誘って正解だったみたいね。





오의 발동

Duo : For treasure!二人 : お宝頂戴!
Duo : Now! This is our chance!二人 : 今こそ! チャンスね
Hinoka : Commandeered!ヒノカ : もらっていくぞ
Camilla : Too bad, really...カミラ : ごめんなさいね


My...just deserts?因果応報…か…


"Counting on you!" "Oh! I'm honored!"「頼りにしてるぞ」「あら、光栄ね」

아군 턴 터치

Aye, aye...えーっと…
Time to plunder!奪ってみせる!
X marks the spot.頂いちゃうわ

공격시 후위 서포트

Ooh! How debonair!かっこいいわよ
Careful now.しっかりね

비익/쌍계 스킬

"Playing pirates..." "Fun, isn't it?"「海賊の真似事など…」「楽しいじゃない」
"I could get used to this..." "Really?"「その服、可愛いわ」「そ、そうか?」

비익/쌍계 대화

Hinoka : ...How did this happen? No princess of Hoshido should be dressed up as a pirate—let alone pretending to be one!ヒノカ : まったく、白夜王女の私が祭りとはいえ海賊の真似事など…気がすすまないな。
Camilla : Oh, it's not so bad, is it? You know, I'm a princess too... And look, I'm having fun, aren't I?カミラ : あらいいじゃない。私も暗夜王女だけど楽しいわよ。
We all do what we must. As long as we can enjoy ourselves at the same time, why shouldn't we?暗夜王国は弱肉強食…目的の為ならどんな手段も厭わない気風だもの。
Hinoka : Hoshido is different. If the nobility flaunt the rules, it sets a poor example for the people.ヒノカ : しかし白夜王国は違う。常に正しく気高くあらねば民に示しがつかない。
Camilla : Oh, you're so serious! This is supposed to be a festival, and we're not in Hoshido—so relax!カミラ : 真面目なのねえ。せっかくのお祭りなんだから、今日は立場を忘れて楽しみましょうよ。
Use your imagination... Imagine we're pirates... Imagine we sail the seas in search of treasure...想像してみて。私たちは海賊…海を渡り財宝を手に入れるために旅をしているの。
Hinoka : Rrrrright... Umm... All right. Wait—what kind of treasure?ヒノカ : う、うむ…うーん…。まて、財宝とはどういうものだ?
Camilla : Only the most lovely treasure of them all... My dear Corrin! ...Who has...been taken captive!カミラ : そんなの決まってるじゃない。美しくて愛しい輝く宝…あの子よ。囚われのあの子を奪いに行くの。
Hinoka : Taken captive?! By who?!ヒノカ : 何だと!?あの子が囚われているって…誰にだ!?
Camilla : Hmm... My brother Xander was here as a pirate before... Let's say he's taken Corrin!カミラ : えーっと…そうねえ。マークスお兄様も仮装していたわ。じゃあお兄様ってことにしましょう。
Hinoka : Taken by the crown prince of Nohr? Then we have no choice but to save Corrin right away!ヒノカ : そうか、暗夜の第一王子マークスに…。可哀そうに、すぐ助けてやるからな!
Camilla : You...do understand this is all just imaginary, right?カミラ : ちょっと、あくまでこれはお遊びよ?わかってる?
Hinoka : The time for talk is over!ヒノカ : ああ、だが俄然やる気が湧いてきた。
We'll crush Prince Xander and get our Corrin back! Let's go, Princess Camilla!闘技大会でマークス王子を破り、あの子を取り戻す。行くぞカミラ王女!
Camilla : O-oh... All right... Sorry in advance, Brother...カミラ : え、ええ…。…何だかごめんなさい、お兄様…
Though it warms the heart to see how she fights for our dear Corrin... It's just precious.でもやっぱり、あの子のためにがんばろうとするあなたって素敵…とっても可愛いわ。
We have some of the same sisterly sensibilities, it seems... Friendship blossoms upon the waves!ふふ…あの子の姉同士、これからもっともっと仲良くしましょうね…?

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