무병을 바라는 날개 흐레스벨그/대사


I am Hræsvelgr, here to celebrate the New Year with my family. I pray for all to be free of illness and injury.私はフレスベルグ。新しい年の到来を家族とともに祝わせてもらうわ。皆の無病息災を願ってね。

I pray Níðhöggr does not welcome the New Year intoxicated on her fruit...again.ニーズヘッグ…また酔っ払って…迎春の宴で羽目を外しすぎないように。
At the beginning of each year, I say the same prayer for illness to be erased from all the worlds.すべての世界から病が消えるように…。新しい年の始まりはいつもそう願い続けてきたわ。
Look at this joyful doll. It is a daruma, and I feel I have seen it somewhere before... Ratatoskr, perhaps?ダルマというめでたい人形らしいけどどこかで見たような気が…もしかして、ラタトスク?
I just healed someone choking on food. Do not gorge yourself just because it is the New Year.さっきも食べ物を喉につまらせた人を癒してきたわ。お正月だからといって暴飲暴食は控えることね。
I have healing items on the belt of my kimono. I like to be prepared for anything that may come to pass.キモノの帯に癒しに使う道具をつけてもらったの。万が一は、いつでも起こるから。

친구 방문

I am Hræsvelgr, blade of the Healing Hands. I have been sent to help you celebrate the New Year.私は刃の【癒し手】、フレスベルグ。[フレンド]から新春の祝いの品を預かってきたわ。

레벨 업

I will not allow the evil of disease to approach any precious to me. I shall slice down all sources of illness.私の大切な人たちに病魔は近寄らせない。切り裂く、すべての病源を。
I shall remove any nidus of disease that shows itself this year!新しい年の病巣は私が取り除く…!
Did I allow this lively atmosphere to relax me? I must focus...華やかな空気に気が緩んでいた?ここで引き締めないと…。


I understand your expectations. I shall heal as many as possible this year, as I do in every year...あなたの期待は受け取ったわ。今年も一人でも多くの人を癒してみせる…。

5성 40레벨 달성

My family and the people of Askr all smile with the arrival of the New Year...
However, the evil of disease may appear whenever and wherever it chooses. Without mercy.
If a patient comes to your attention, do not hesitate to inform me.
One must be especially careful on the New Year, when people lose themselves in merriment.
My family and I wish for everyone to be safe and healthy throughout the coming year.
I shall wield these blades to remove the evil of disease this year, as I do every year.





오의 발동

For the mission.遂行する
Celebrate the New Year.新年を祝う
I wish you the best.今年もよろしく
A New Year's gift.お年玉よ


Impossible mission...遂行…不能…


I am Hræsvelgr. A happy New Year to you.私はフレスベルグ。新年の挨拶をさせてもらうわ。
It is dangerous to touch me without warning.!? 急に私に触れるのは…危ないわ…
Even in this new year, my only concern is the mission.年が変わっても、私は任務を遂行するだけ。
Níðhöggr is intoxicated already this year.ニーズヘッグ…新年早々また酔っ払って…
This is the first time I have worn a "kimono." Does it look strange?この着物というもの…初めて着たわ。おかしくない…?
People smiling. Laughing. It...reminds me of the good days.行き交う人々の笑顔…昔を思い出してしまう…
Anything that is gnawing at you, I will sever with my blade.あなたを蝕むものは、私の刃で絶つ。

아군 턴 터치

I understand.承知した
I will greet them.挨拶する

캐릭터 페이지로