냉혹 음험 종자 휴베르트/대사


I am Hubert, heir to House Vestra and future minister to the emperor. Pleased to make your acquaintance.アドラステア帝国は宮内卿ベストラ侯が嫡子…ヒューベルトといいます。以後、お見知り置きを。

A big family of Heroes, caring and watching out for one another. How nauseating.美しき国、集う英雄たちの絆…いや、実に素晴らしい。素晴らしいですな。くくくくく…
I am Lady Edelgard's humble servant. I serve you for now, but my true loyalties lie with her. Don't forget it.私はエーデルガルト様の従者。主のため以外の行動などあり得ません。力を貸すのも、主の元に戻るためです。
You like watching from afar as others spill blood on your behalf. You and the goddess have that in common.英雄たちに力を与え、敵と戦わせ、自らは天上より見守る…酷い話です。フォドラの女神のことですよ、もちろん。
Some say I'm a rat—always conniving in the shadows. Perhaps so. But I'm not the only rat around here.こう見えて、裏方の仕事が得意でしてね。貴殿も共に後ろ暗い働きをしませんかな。この国にも鼠が入り込んでいたようですし。
I have been analyzing the enemy's weak points so we can exploit them. I will give you a report shortly.敵の戦力分析をしていました。勝つためには必要なことですな。後ほど、貴殿にも報告しますよ。

친구 방문

I come bearing well wishes on your friend's behalf. Please tell your friend I have more important things to do.貴殿が[召喚師]殿…[フレンド]殿に代わって敬愛の意を表しましょう。

레벨 업

Any experience is worth having.経験はいくらあろうと困りません。
This strength will serve Lady Edelgard well!エーデルガルト様のためにも力を…
This is harder than expected.ままならぬものですな。


Heh, this suits me well.くくく…私によく馴染みそうです。

5성 40레벨 달성

You have a useful talent for expelling enemies from the world of the living. I find it charming.
Provided you held no ill will toward Lady Edelgard, I would consider inviting you to join me in the Empire.
Of course, I cannot allow a personal attachment to compromise my devotion to Lady Edelgard.
I am sworn eternally and irrevocably to her service. However...
If there existed a version of me who had never thus pledged himself, he may have offered his life to you.





오의 발동

I have no need of you.貴殿に用はない
Watch how weak you are!身の程を教えましょう
Just a bug to squash.踏み潰してあげます


Rendered useless...forgive me...我が主…お許しを…


His normal chuckleくくく…
You are doing quite well. I mean that.貴殿はよくやっていると思いますよ。心の底からそう思いますとも。
Did you just attempt something? I advise against that.…ふむ、何かしましたかな。
Should I cut you down now? I am kidding, of course.ばっさりと切り落としてやるか…私の髪の話です。ええ。
House Vestra operates in the shadows, not the front lines.ベストラ家の仕事の大半は後ろ暗いもの。前線向きではないのです。
Until my last breath, my loyalty lies with Lady Edelgard.我が心はエーデルガルト様のもの。私が死ぬまでは、ですが。
Such a state of affairs would strike fear in even a god... Hm? It is nothing.まったく…神をも恐れぬ所業とはこのこと…おや? 独り言ですよ。
You have proven yourself worthy of leading me. Do as you will.せいぜい上手く私を使うことですな。貴殿になら使われても構いません。

아군 턴 터치

So be it.いいでしょう
Is that so?はて?
I am prepared.行きますか

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