세상물정에 밝은 마도사 휴/대사
In need of a mage, friend? I'm a lot stronger than I look, and I daresay you'll find my rate quite reasonable. | おたく、魔道士が不足とかしてないかい?こう見えてもなかなかウデがたつんだぜ。今なら格安で手をうつけどな。 |
I spent some time traveling with a kid who was studying elder magic. He had a gift for it that I've never had... | 古代魔法を独学してるっていうガキとしばらく一緒に旅したことがあってさ。そいつがオレよりよっぽど腕が立つんだよ。 |
Dark magic, elder magic... No matter what you call it, it just never clicked for me. Anima, on the other hand... | オレもそれなりに修行したつもりだったけど古代魔法……闇魔法には限界を感じてさ。理魔法に鞍替えしたってわけ。 |
My nana always said my old man had a knack for elder magic. Oh, but most people know it as dark magic, huh? | 世の中では闇魔法っていうやつ、ばあちゃんは古代魔法って呼んでんだよな。オレの親父は才能あったらしいよ。 |
If you ever need some coin, let me know—I do a bit of lending on the side. It's good money too. | オレは金貸しもやっていてさ。意外と繁盛してるんだぜ。あんたもひとつどうだ? |
Hmm... How about here? Or maybe over—hey, who's there?! ...Oh, it's only you, [Summoner]. Don't mind me, I'm just looking for a place to lie low for a while. | たとえば、この辺とか怪し……ギクッ!なんだ、[召喚師]か。この辺に秘密の入り口とかねぇかなって… |
친구 방문
Uh... Hi! It may look like I'm sneaking around, but I was actually sent here by your friend. Yes, really! | ギクッ。あ、いや……怪しい者じゃないって!ホラ、友達の友達は皆友達だって言うだろ? |
레벨 업
Hahaha! How do you like that, huh? Don't worry—there's plenty more where that came from! | ……へ、へへへ、やったぜ…ああ、うんちょっと本気出してみただけ。ホント、ちょっとだけな……! |
Clear a path, or face the wrath of this dashingly handsome and eminently talented mage! | この若くて二枚目で才能に満ちたこのオレさまが通るっていうんだ道をあけろぉい! |
This can't be happening... My poor, delicate heart has been pierced clean through! Please, remember me... | あーあーあー、そうですかい!儚い心にぐっさりときたぜ……こう見えてもオレの心はもろいっつーのに… |
Don't you worry—I'm going to put in work that's worth every coin, and then some! | しっかり働くから期待していてくれよ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
My nana is a master of elder magic, so she expected me to follow in her footsteps. But...that didn't work out. And then I met an orphan who could wield dark magic so...easily. Like it just came naturally to him. Seeing that made me question my own ancestry. I hail from a family of dark mages, so why couldn't I use it? According to my nana, though, my aptitude for anima magic comes from my mother. Learning that was...nice. Oh, do you have a master of your own? You don't seem like you're from around here either... Hmm... Almost like you've been set adrift, forever wandering... Ah, it's nothing. You just reminded me of myself, that's all. Guess we've all got our own path to follow, eh? | オレはさ、ばあちゃんの孫だし古代魔法の後継者として名を上げるつもりだったよ。だけど全然モノになんなくってよぉ。 戦争にもまれて独学で闇魔法を使える天才少年まで出てくるしさ……親父の血を本当に引いてんのかって、 ばあちゃんに聞いたことがあるんだよ。そしたら理魔法の才能は母親譲りだ、って…意外だったけど、ちょっと嬉しかったね。 …なぁ、おまえさんには師匠とかいんの?この国の生まれでもなさそうだし、何をしててもどこか浮いて見えるんだよな。 え……ゴホン、そ、そんなに見てはねぇよ。ただ、オレとどっか似てるなと思って…あらためて、これからもヨロシクってこと! |
よっ | |
おらっ |
ぎゃあっ | |
いっ痛え! |
오의 발동
We won't meet again. | ここで会ったが最後! |
No thank you! | あきらめて帰れ!! |
This might smart a bit. | しけてやがるなあ |
My lucky day. | ついてるね~オレさま |
You've gotta be kidding me... | おい…冗談だろ…… |
Heheheh. | へへ… |
You need a mage? You got one! The name's Hugh. | オレはヒュウ。魔道士が不足とかしてないかい? |
Whoa, hey! You after my money? | ぎゃっ! な、何だ? お前もオレの金を狙ってんのか!? |
"Sir"? Did you call me "sir"? That's like a knife in my tender young heart... | おっさん呼ばわりはやめてくれ。こう見えても、オレの心はもろく儚いんだぜ! |
I tried to study elder magic. For the life of me, I couldn't figure it out. | 最初は古代魔法の修行してたんだぜ。だけど全然モノになんなくってよぉ。 |
One, two, three... What? I have to make sure the gold's all here. | いち、にい、さん…。な、何だよ、もらった支度金を確かめてるだけだ。 |
My nana always called me a fool. Me, her own grandson! Can you believe that? | ばあちゃん、オレのことアホアホって…実の孫だぜ~? |
I know you have a tough job, but there's no need to look so serious. Lighten up! | 大変なのはわかるけど、笑える余裕ぐらいは残しとけよ。な? |
아군 턴 터치
Yep! | おう! |
Seriously? | ウソだろぉ? |
Sneaky sneaky. | コソコソ… |