암야왕의 군사 맥베스/대사


I am Iago, a tactician for the Kingdom of Nohr. Pleased to meet you. Bear witness to my schemes and illusions.お初にお目にかかります。私は暗夜王国一の軍師、マクベス。私めの策と幻術、とくとご覧あれ。

Second-rate strategists linger on their decisions. Take heed of the most optimal method to win. That's key.勝つために手段を選んでいるようではまだまだ二流です。そう、勝たねば意味はないのですよ。
My duty is to support King Garon. I'll strike down anyone in the way, be they royal blood or common peasants.ガロン王の覇道を補佐することが私の使命。道を阻むものは誰であろうと容赦はいたしません。
Every plan must include finding the heart's weakness. Extract a grain of jealousy so they are consumed by it.心の弱さを突くことこそ策の常道。ほんのわずかな猜疑心を大きな歪みへと変えてやるのです。
An army of Heroes? Why, I'm capable alone. With my illusions, turning the tide of battle is effortless.大軍など必要ありませんよ。私めの幻術さえあれば戦場をかき回すことなどたやすいこと。
Foes whose first instinct is to use force are easy to conquer, for they never have a backup plan.力押しで来る相手ほど御しやすいもの。やつらは二の策、三の策を用意してはおりませんからな。

친구 방문

I am Iago, a tactician and illusionist. Heh. Heh. Don't be suspicious—I am here for [Friend].フフ…怪しいものではありませんよ。[フレンド]殿の使者マクベスと申します。お見知りおきを。

레벨 업

Excellent. Just as I predicted.完璧な作戦…すべてが読み通りです。
Well? Did you enjoy my illusions?私めの幻術はお楽しみいただけましたかな?
W-what? This wasn't in the plan!ひいっ! せ、成長してない…!?


Ah, yes. This will polish my schemes even further.私の策略にさらなる磨きがかかってしまいますな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Greetings. May I have a moment of your time, [Summoner]?
By my thorough evaluations, I've come to see that you are far more than just a mere summoner.
With your abilities, why, you could take this world in hand and rule over its entirety!
You have other intentions, you say? Heh. Quite a modest statement. But my predictions are never wrong.
Should you pursue this path, I shall make use of my excellent tactician abilities to aid you... Heh heh heh.


How's that?どうです?


It can't be... !バカな…!

오의 발동

All will witness!ご覧にいれましょう
This is just the beginning!ほんの挨拶です
So simple.造作もありません


My plan was perfect...死にたく…ない……


*evil snicker*ククク…
I am King Garon's greatest tactician—Nohr's dread mage, Iago! The pleasure is all mine.私はマクベス。暗夜王ガロン様の軍師を務めております。お見知りおきを。
E-excuse me?! You dare disturb a Nohrian official of my stature?!な、何をするのです!? 無礼な、私は暗夜王国の重臣ですよ!
I am a master of illusions. Care for a demonstration?私は幻術を得意としております。お見せしましょうか?
As the king's right hand, I will see his desires fulfilled—no matter the cost.王の軍師として、王の望みを何としても叶えなければならないのです。
Corrin—you ever-present thorn. How do you thwart even my best efforts to remove you...カムイ様は何度殺そうとしてもまた私の前に現れる…死神のようなお方だ。
Corrin puts such faith in others... What ridiculous naiveté.なぜカムイ様はあそこまで人を信じられるのか…私には理解できない……
You seem to have a knack for avoiding death. Much like another I know...あなたもなかなか悪運の強い方ですね…誰かを思い出します。

아군 턴 터치

As you wish.仰せのとおりに。
Good day.ごきげんよう。

캐릭터 페이지로