화필이 그리는 겨울풍경 이그나츠/대사


My name is Ignatz Victor. I can't wait to learn more about Askr's winter festival. Where shall we begin?イグナーツ=ヴィクターと申します。アスク王国の冬祭り…興味深いです。ぜひ、この目で観察させてください!

In wintertime, my breath fogs my lenses. But I can't go without them, even when wearing a costume.冬は吐息で眼鏡が曇ってしまいますね。衣装を着替えても、こればっかりはどうしようもないです…。
My father decided I should be a knight. The truth is, the life of a painter would suit me better...父はボクを騎士にしたいようですが…正直ボクは、絵筆を走らせているほうが性に合うと思っているんです。
This is a quality gift. I'm the son of a merchant family, so I have a better eye for these things than most.これは…よい贈り物だと思います。ボクの家は商家なので、物の良し悪しは少しはわかるつもりです。
I include a hand-painted card with each of my gifts. I hope each stroke conveys my feelings for the recipient.贈り物の中にカードを添えてみました。カードの絵は、ボクが一枚一枚描かせてもらったんです。
Askr's winter colors exude a cool serenity. I would give anything to truly capture that beauty on canvas!アスク王国の冬の風景…とても風情がありますね。ぜひ、絵に残してみたいです。

친구 방문

Hello! My, what a picturesque castle! I'm here as winter envoy, on behalf of [Friend].[フレンド]さんのお城から冬祭りの使者として参りました。ここも絵になるお城ですね…!

레벨 업

This winter wonderland is quite the sight. I need to think on which shades of blue will best capture the scene.白銀に輝く素敵な冬祭り…ぜひとも絵に残したいですね!
Phew... I'm glad that my gifts escaped unharmed, at least.ふぅ…贈り物に傷がつかなくてよかったです。
It appears the burden of acting as a winter envoy is a heavier one than I first imagined...冬祭りの使者…ボクには荷が重かったみたいです。


Now I truly feel like I understand the meaning of the winter festival!冬祭りへの理解がさらに深まった気がします!

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been interested in what lies beyond Fódlan's borders ever since I knew there were borders.
What would such lands look like? Who were the people living there? I used to daydream for hours.
In all those imaginings, I never thought I'd be able to join a foreign festival. Much less as an envoy!
Such events are special because they only come around once a year, when the weather and time are right.
All the more reason to capture the moment in a painting, yes? Well, if I can do it proper justice, that is.
Of course, such a painting wouldn't be complete if I didn't include you, [Summoner].




The gifts...!贈り物が…!

오의 발동

I'll show you festive!冬祭りですよ
Special delivery!お届けにきました
Let me give you a gift!何が欲しいですか?
You're going to love this!喜んでもらえますように


It's...too much...みんな、ごめんなさい…


The winter festival's once a year, right? Let's make the most of it!今日は冬祭りですね。思いっきり楽しみましょう。
Oh, it's snowing! *shiver* Cold!わあっ、冷たい! あ、雪かあ…
The decorations in the plaza are amazing. I lost track of time while admiring them.広場の飾りが芸術的で、見とれてしまいました。
Oh right, a gift. Could I interest you in some paints? Or drawing paper?贈り物に欲しいもの? 絵具とか、画用紙とかでしょうか。
My glasses fog up every time I come inside. I can't see a thing...温かい室内に入ったら、眼鏡が曇ってしまいました…
Someday I'll paint a landscape of this incredible scenery.この美しい景色を絵に残せたらなあ…
I got you something. It's not much, but I hope you like it.ボクからの贈り物です。気に入ってもらえるといいんですが。

아군 턴 터치

This should work.こんな時は…
I'll deliver.届けます!

캐릭터 페이지로