전승의 신장 아이크/대사


I'm Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries. I'm not so sure about this "Legendary Hero" business, but I'll help you out.グレイル傭兵団のアイクだ。伝承の…英雄…? よくわからんが、俺で良ければあんたたちの力になろう。

Legendary Hero? Well, in my world, we do tell tales of heroes from days gone by.
That's the kind of thing you're talking about, right?
伝承の英雄…? 俺たちの世界にも大昔の伝説として語られる英雄がいた。あんたが言うのはそういう者のことか?
My father taught me everything about swordsmanship. He also taught the man who turned out to be his rival...
We both did all we could to master his style of fighting.
People aren't perfect. We all make mistakes. But we also love our families and our friends...
We should never forget that we all have that same capacity for love.
Time and again, I've fought when the chances of winning were slim.
These were not battles where I weighed whether or not I could win. They were battles I had to fight.
I'll repeat something I was told, once...
"You should challenge your fates. When all else fails, you can still die fighting."

친구 방문

I'm Ike, and I've brought you a message of friendship straight from [Friend].俺はアイク。[フレンド]に頼まれて挨拶に来た。これからもよろしく頼む。

레벨 업

One day, I'll be able to match my father's skill with a sword when he was at his peak.一番強かった頃の親父の剣…いつか、そこに辿り着く。
Fighting a strong rival is better than any training.強敵との戦いは、何にも勝る修行になる。
Ups and downs don't bother me. I'll get there.好不調は気にせん。絶えず修行を重ねれば、いずれ一つの高みに至る。


I have my sights set on a goal, and now I'm closer to it. Thanks.礼を言わせてくれ。俺が目指す場所へ…また近づけた。

5성 40레벨 달성

It's always the same. No matter the era, no matter the world... War. The fighting never ends.
You fight to make peace. And it may seem like that battle will never end... That it's out of your reach.
Don't get discouraged. Your feelings are what drive you. Your actions have purpose.
No matter how hard things get, you have to keep fighting. I know that you'll press on. I respect that.
Let me walk your road with you. Once I get started, I don't give in. I'll stay by your side until the end, if you'll let me.





오의 발동

I won't have mercy on my enemies.あんたはここまでだ
End of the line.容赦はせん
I'll strike you down with one blow.せめて一撃で…
There's no stopping me.俺は立ち止まらん


I...admit defeat.俺の…負けだ…


I'm Ike. One thing led to another, and now I'm a general.俺はアイク。成り行きで、一軍の将を務めていた。
Hm? You want to train with me? OK.ん? なんだ、訓練に付き合ってくれるのか?
I've met a lot of people. Not many are as odd as you, though.色んな奴と出会ったが、あんたみたいな変わり者ははじめてだな。
I've had pain, I've had suffering, and I have gotten up and moved on.俺が得た痛みも苦しみも…俺が背負って進むべきものだ。
I'm not much for politics. I live by my principles, my sword, and my friends.俺は器用な性質(たち)じゃない。この剣で、己の信じる道を進むことしかできない。
The Black Knight... He was my father's killer. And my last teacher.漆黒の騎士…あいつは親父の仇…そして…俺の師だ。
As long as I'm here, I won't let you die. There's too much riding on your survival. Stay close.俺といるかぎり死なせはせん。傍を離れるなよ?

아군 턴 터치

Let's move.行こう
What next?どうする?
I won't lose.負ける気はない

캐릭터 페이지로