눈을 뜬 식욕 이레스/대사


Hello. My name is...Ilyana. I'm studying magic. I'm also starving... Do you have anything I can eat?こ、こんにちは…私、イレース…です。魔道の勉強をしています………あの、何か……食べるものはないですか…

I can't get enough of the delicious food here. Even though I ate so much this morning, I'm already starving...この城のお料理…とっても美味しいです。今朝はお鍋が空になるまで食べたのにもうお腹が空いてきました……
Adults always compliment my appetite. At least at first...大人はみんな、初めはほめてくれるんです…「もっとお食べ」って……
I think it's time for me to eat. Magic always makes me so hungry.……そろそろ食事の時間でしょうか…魔法はお腹が空きますから……
What? No, there's no reason to be worried about me. Moving around always makes me this hungry.気分が悪いわけではないです……動くとお腹が空きますから…
A cookie in my right hand...dried sweet potato in my left. Help! I don't know which one to eat first.右手のビスケットと…左手の…干しイモ……どっちを先に食べるか、悩んでいます…

친구 방문

*sniff* I thought I smelled a feast... When do you usually eat around here?ごちそうの匂いがします……食事の時間はいつですか…?

레벨 업

You know what would make a great reward? A snack...or two...or three...ごほうびに…食べていいですか……おなかいっぱいになるまで……
I'm not picky. I'll eat anything once... so long as it's edible.好き嫌いはありません……食べられるなら…
I must be hungrier than I thought. Do you have anything to eat?おなかに、ちからが入らない……何か食べないと……


For me? Thank you! But, you know, I'd rather have something I can eat...ありがとうございます…でも、食べられるものの方が…

5성 40레벨 달성

I learned a new expression today.
"Eat me out of house and home..." Do you know what it means?
It means "to eat too much, without doing anything to help in return." That's what Commander Anna said.
Her face was so red when she saw me eating. She said there was a limit to what she could spend on food.
I hope that someday, I'll be the type of adult who can eat in all the houses, without anyone getting upset.





오의 발동

Get out of my way...どいてください…
...it's time to eat!ご飯の時間です…
I'm sorry...すみません…
Give me your snacks!何か食べ物を…


Another cookie…お腹が…すきました……


I'm...Ilyana... I'm studying magic...…私…イレースです…。魔道の勉強をしています…。
Did you just push me? Give me a snack and I'll forgive you.…今、押しましたね? 食べるものをくれたら…許してあげます…。
I wish I could run around and play with everyone, but...I get so hungry, and...みんなと走ったり遊んだりしたいんですけど…お腹がすいて…。
Grown-ups always say I'm not picky when it comes to food. Is that a good thing?好き嫌いがないことだけは…大人にほめられます……
*sniff sniff* Do you smell something good?くんくん…なんだか美味しそうな匂いがしませんか…?
The food in this castle is so delicious. And there's so much! I've never been this happy....このお城のご飯はとっても美味しくて…幸せです……
I guess I could share my snacks with you... but only a little bit.あなたになら、おやつを分けてあげてもいいです…ちょこっとですけど…

아군 턴 터치

Is there food this way?こっちにご馳走が…?

캐릭터 페이지로