폭식의 수확제 이레스/대사


My name is Ilyana... I know we've only just met, but can you spare any food? I'm famished...私…イレースといいます。出会って早々恐縮ですが…なにか食べ物を分けてもらえませんか?

Summoned during the harvest festival? The timing could not be better... It must be fate.
Pumpkin pie... Giant turkey leg... Hmm... Which to eat first?
If there were no more wars...would everybody be able to eat whatever they want, as much as they want?世界から戦争がなくなればみんなが好きなものを好きなだけ食べられるのでしょうか…
This is bad. I've only eaten enough for three people today... My stomach is rumbling... I might just faint.今日はまだ3人分しか食べてません。だからお腹が減って…もう倒れてしまいそうです…
I'm not picky. If it even looks like food, I'll eat it. Sweet, spicy...it doesn't matter.私に好き嫌いはありません。口に入るものならなんでもいいです。甘いものも辛いものも…問いません。
Ooh... That pumpkin looks so cute... and tasty. Wait, it's not for eating? Just decoration? Oh.飾ってあるカボチャ…全部食べてしまっていいのでしょうか?だめですか…そうですか…

친구 방문

There's some tasty food over at the harvest festival. Come on, let's go to [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]の城から収穫祭のお誘いです…おや、ここにもおいしそうな食べ物が…

레벨 업

I worked so hard... And now my stomach's rumbling.がんばったので、またお腹が…
I still have a huge appetite...まだまだ食べられますよ…?
So hungry... Can't move...お腹が減りすぎて…力が出ません…


Is this tasty? I'm hungry...それは食べ物…ではないですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I love festivals... Food stalls, seasonal dishes, desserts as far as the eye can see... They're bursting with flavor.
And the most wonderful of all is the harvest festival, held to celebrate autumn's bounty.
Just saying the words "harvest festival" makes my mouth water...
Look at all of this candy... All I had to do was threaten people with tricks, and they just gave it to me!
I really must thank you for inviting me here, [Summoner].
I'll even share some of my haul with you. Just a little bit. What do you like? Pick...one.





오의 발동

Candy? Any candy...お菓子をください
I'll harvest you!実りの秋です
You'll get no treats here!いたずらしますよ
I'll take your sweets...さあ、お菓子を出して…


Low blood sugar…もっと…お菓子を…


A "harvest festival," hm? I like the sound of that...収穫祭…なんて甘美な響きなんでしょう…うっとり…
...Hm? Oh! I'm not—I'm not giving out treats...…それはいたずらですか? じゃあ、お菓子は渡さなくていいんですね…
You wanna know my favorite sweets? All of them... I like anything I can eat.好きなお菓子? 何でも…食べられるものなら何でも好きです…
When I eat sweets, it always makes me crave something spicy… Got anything?甘いものをたくさん食べると、次は辛いものが食べたくなりますね…
Whatever costume you want me to wear is fine, so long as I get some candy out of it...お菓子を貰うためになら、奇妙な衣装くらいいくらでも着ます…
I am so serious about my tricks, you'll WANT to give me a treat.私のいたずらは本気ですよ…お菓子を渡す方がましだと思うくらい…
You're sweet... You and candy have that in common. Must be why I like you.あなたは、とても魅力的な人です…そう、まるでお菓子みたいに…

아군 턴 터치

Time to feed.いただきます。
So hungry...お腹が空きました…
As long as there's treats...お祭りですね…

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