빛나는 기사도로 잉그리트/대사


I am Ingrid Brandl Galatea. I aim to walk the path of a loyal knight. With this lance, I will be your strength.私はイングリット=ブランドル=ガラテア。騎士たるを望み、忠義の道を歩む者。この槍で、あなたの力となりましょう。

Glenn... Have I become closer to being the kind of knight that inspires others, like you once were?グレン…今の私はあなたのような誇り高い騎士に近づけているのでしょうか。
Compared to my home, the Kingdom of Askr is a very warm and pleasant place to be. Honestly, I'm envious.私の故郷に比べて、アスク王国は暖かくて過ごしやすい国ですね。正直、うらやましいです。
Whether it's horses or pegasi, you should always treat them as dear partners who will share your destiny.馬も天馬も、大切なのは真心をもって接すること。運命をともにする大切な仲間です。
Oh, [Summoner]!
Would you care to join me in the dining hall? ...Huh? What do you mean "so soon?" That was hours ago!
[召喚師]殿一緒に食堂にいきませんか?え? 食事の間隔が短すぎですか?
Every time I wield this lance, I ask myself—for what purpose did I choose the path of knighthood?この槍を握るたびに自分の心に問うのです。なんのために騎士の道を志したのかと。

친구 방문

I come bearing a message from [Friend].
The next time a strong enemy appears, we will fight as one!

레벨 업

My devotion will not waver!この忠義の槍は決して折れはしない!
I cannot afford to lose here!こんなところで負けるわけにはいきません!
I see. Now, to make the most of what I have learned.課題は見えました。次に活かします…。


You're giving me something this valuable?! I will not let your thoughtfulness go to waste!このような貴重なものを頂いても!?お心遣い、無駄にはしません!

5성 40레벨 달성

My heart is what guided me to the path of knighthood, but there are all sorts of chivalric tales in Fódlan.
It's difficult to not admire the knights in those tales, so I've always wanted to be like them.
But...such knights who fought with honor and virtue were merely characters in legends and stories.
In the back of my mind, I warned myself not to confuse those tales with reality.
And yet...there are great knights here in the Order of Heroes befitting of tales of their own!
They aren't mere characters, but great predecessors who persevered on the path to knighthood!
They are the ones I should be learning from! Then, I will find my own path to chivalry.
With this lance, I will surpass those who came before me!





오의 발동

Prepare yourself.覚悟!
I'll end this quickly!決める!
Come back when you're ready.出直しなさい!
No quarter!負けられない!


Not here...こんなところで…


Upon my lance, I swear I will protect you.この槍に誓って、あなたを守ってみせます。
Oh! You caught me with my guard down! I still have a lot to learn.きゃっ! 隙を見せてしまうなんて…私もまだまだです。
Have you read any chivalric tales? I can lend you some, if you're interested.騎士道物語を読んだことがありますか? 興味があればお貸しします。
Pegasus knights are the specialty of House Galatea. I'm proud to set an example.我がガラテア家の主力は天馬騎士団。だから天馬の戦術に詳しいんです。
Could you point me to the stables? I want to care for the horses.馬の世話をしたいのですが…厩舎はどこでしょう?
Perhaps I'll go for a stroll through the woods...森へ散歩に行こうかしら…
If you ever find yourself in trouble on the battlefield, you need only call my name. I promise I'll be there.戦場で危機に陥ったら私を呼んでください。すぐに翔けつけますから。

아군 턴 터치

My turn?出番ですか
Allow me.任せてください

캐릭터 페이지로