꽃피는 미소 아주르/대사


I'm Inigo, Olivia's future son. And I'd... Prefer it if you wouldn't stare. It's very embarrassing!僕はアズール。未来から来た、オリヴィエの息子だよ。そ、そんなに見られたら、恥ずかしいよ…!

I wonder if I'll ever be as amazing a dancer as my mother...
A dancer that can fill an entire audience with courage and bring smiles to all their faces.
Sometimes I think about home and all the people we couldn't save... I couldn't do a single thing for them...たまに思い出しちゃうんだ…故郷のこと。それから、助けられなかった人たちのこと。僕はあの場所で、なんにもできなかった…
Thanks for checking in! I appreciate that you run patrols for everyone. But make time to chat with me too!見回りしてくれて、ありがとう!みんなのために時間を使うのもいいけど、たまには僕と二人で話さない?
Say, could you show me how to use your weapon? If I could summon a cute— Huh? Only you can use it?ねえ、その神器の使い方を教えてよ!これがあれば僕も、可愛い女の子の英雄をいっぱい呼び出し… え? 僕には無理…?
"Care to join me for a cup of tea?" Perfect. No way I'll get shot down with something as innocent as that!
Heh, the fastest way for a man to practice bravery is to talk to women!

친구 방문

Don't worry, I'm not here to steal the hearts of your female Heroes! This is from [Friend].え!? ナンパに来たわけじゃないよ![フレンド]さんから、挨拶を届けに来たんだ、信じてよーっ!

레벨 업

Please let all the girls have seen that...可愛いお姉さーん!見てますかー?
Ah, another solid step in the right direction.良かった。また強くなれたよ。
Please don't let any girls have seen that...やばい、こんなんじゃ女の子にモテないよ!


Now that I'm a brand-new me, it's time to chat with some ladies!ありがとう! 新しい僕でさっそく女の子に声をかけてくるよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, it's you! You sure seem to be hanging around me a lot lately. You must have fallen for me pretty hard!
Wait, wait, don't leave! I was just kidding! Heh, sorry, I'm just glad to see you.
Despite how close we've gotten, you and I still haven't gone anywhere just the two of us—like to a café.
I guess you don't want it to look like you're playing favorites with the Heroes, huh? Yeah, that's it.
You're not MY summoner, after all. You summoned all of us, so you're all of our—
Huh? We can go? You mean it?! Oh, thank you! I guess that means you only have eyes for me today.
I'll make sure we have a great time!
わーーーごめん行かないで!嬉しくてつい調子に乗っちゃった!もう言わない! 冗談言わないから!
…え!? いいの!? ありがとう!じゃあ今日は、僕のことだけ見ててよね。いっぱい君を笑顔にしてみせるから!





오의 발동

This is your last dance!何見てんの…?
No hard feelings!ごめんね…?
Hey there.ちょっといいかな
Dance with me.僕と踊ろう


What a joke.笑っちゃう…よね……


And another fair maid has rejected me. Mustn't get discouraged!また女の子にフラれちゃったよ…
No matter where I end up, it seems the ladies are just not buying what I'm selling.なんでいっつも、ナンパがうまくいかないんだろ。
Don't forget to smile. Smiling makes life a lot more fun.笑顔は大事だよ、笑ってたら楽しくなるからね。
I would like to be a dancer. Like my mother.僕、母さんみたいなダンサーになりたいんだ。
Gods! You were watching me dance?お、踊りの練習を見たって!? は、恥ずかしいよー…!
Father, Mother. Watch over me.父さん、母さん…見守っててね、僕のこと…
Well, you look great today. Want to skip out of here and head somewhere a little more fun?君は今日も素敵だね、良ければ一緒に出かけない?ほらほら、たまには息抜きしないと!

아군 턴 터치

I'm here.待ってたよ
Where to?どこに行く?

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