실은 수영할 수 있는 히니어스/대사


Please excuse my casual dress... I am Innes, prince of Frelia.
You'll have to allow me to make an official introduction at another time... When I am attired appropriately.

I am told that this attire is fitting. How little protection it affords in battle! I am confident in my skill, but still...水中に適した衣服、か。これだけ布地が少ないと心もとないが…私に何が起こるということもあるまい。
Picture him, on a visit to the sea... Trying to wrest a shark from the water using only his bare hands...
Knowing Ephraim, he could actually manage the feat.
Does your country border the ocean, [Summoner]? Frelia's seas are a sight to behold.[召喚師]、君の故郷に海はあったか?私の国の海は、それは素晴らしいものだ。
You'd don a swimsuit? To what end? Do you mean to challenge me in the water? I'd think again, were I you...
I am as talented a swimmer as I am an archer.
It's important to stretch before swimming. Preparation is essential for any situation. Heed my words!
Now, let's see how flexible you are.

친구 방문

I bear greetings and an array of tropical fruit as a symbol of friendship, all from [Friend].[フレンド]に代わって友好の証を持ってきた。南国の果物をたっぷりとな。

레벨 업

No matter how I am attired, I am without flaw.どんな装いであろうと…私は完璧だ。
I'm getting used to all of this, it seems.この装いにも慣れてきたようだ。
Absurd. This does not happen to me.ば、ばかな…?こんなことが…


Very well. I will strive to flourish under your leadership.…いいだろう。私の新たな力、君の采配で生かすとしよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Approaching from this angle won't lead to a clean split. But if I were to change my tactics, what then?
Don't just stand there gawping. Did you have need of my counsel, [Summoner]?
No? Well, then. I imagine this mound of melons has already led you to deduce my intentions...but I'll explain.
I'm practicing splitting watermelons. This is a folk custom from some realm or other... A summertime contest.
Whoever can split a watermelon most powerfully and cleanly while blindfolded is judged victorious.
Even if it's a silly custom, my pride won't allow for any less than top performance.
There is always a chance that, some day, I may face Ephraim in this trial! I must be prepared!
Join me! Grip the stick, and strike at the melon as at the heart of your rival!
…この角度では割れ方が美しくない。だが、道具を変えては割れない可能性が…? 何か用か、[召喚師]?





오의 발동

Behold my breaststroke!我が泳ぎを見よ
I'm quite serious, you know.私は真面目だ
You let your guard down.油断したな
You cannot help but look!見とれていたか?


Stepped on a jellyfish…足が…つったようだ…


I will be king of Frelia one day. Don't even think of underestimating me simply because I'm dressed for leisure.私はフレリアの王となる者。このような格好だからと侮るな。
Well done! You snuck right up on me.!? やるな、私に気配を悟らせぬとは…
I certainly don't have time to waste splashing around in the water like... Like some do.庶民のように海で浮かれ騒いでいる暇などない
So what if it's just a trip to the beach? Even if I'm swimming, my form must be without flaw.私は完璧であらねばならない、たとえ海水浴であろうとだ。
I can't waste this opportunity. I'll learn all there is to learn about the sea...良い機会だ。海のすべてを知っておかねば。
There is one man I could never stand to lose a swimming contest to. Ephraim.エフラム…泳ぎでも、あの男には負けられん…
I don't know quite what it is about you. I find your companionship...favorable.どうやら私は…君に好意を抱いてしまったらしい。

아군 턴 터치

Just so.ああ
A king's duty.これも王のつとめ
Get ready to swim.君も泳ぐか?

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