프렐리아의 월광 히니어스/대사


I am Innes, first son of the king of Frelia, King Hayden. Now, please, tell me your name and title.私はヒーニアス。フレリア王ヘイデンの第一王子だ。では、君の名と役職を聞こうか。

I don't know where she gets it, but my sister is too energetic for her own good...
Take your eyes off her for a moment, and she's gone. Her guardians do not have it easy.
One should think beyond their own country. Frelia must keep an eye on events in Carcino, for example.自国のことばかり考えていてはだめだ。カルチノのような商人の国が生まれる時代にフレリアはどうしてゆくべきか……
Future kings must mind both their words and their deeds. This is a fact I strive to remember.私の言葉遣いが気になるか?王となるべき者、ふさわしい言動が必要。すこしは意識しているのだ。
It is somewhat strange to be away from the royal court. Though I feel no sense of liberation.王宮の者たちがそばにいないというのは、実に不思議な感覚だ。しかし、少なからず解放感も感じるな。
Tana is nowhere to be seen... I tell her to remain at my side when away, and this is what she does.ここにもターナの姿が見えん……出歩くときは私のそばから離れるなといつも言っているのに、これだ。

친구 방문

A gift, delivered in friendship from [Friend].[フレンド]から、これからも友好を願うとのことだ。

레벨 업

Right. I expect nothing less of myself.よし。これでこそ私だ。
It is no simple task to keep one's goals in sight in combat, but I will prove I am up to the task!実戦の中で狙いを定めるのは難しいな……だが、やってみせる!
Calm down, Innes. You must not lose your composure over such trivial matters!落ち着け、ヒーニアス。このようなことで冷静さを欠くなよ…!


As the heir of Frelia, I must be skilled in all manner of things.フレリアを継ぐ者として、あらゆることに長けていなければな。

5성 40레벨 달성

*sigh* Being a prince is exhausting. I am expected to behave as the future king at all times, you see.
Some time ago, I tried to speak with the prince of Renais about diplomacy, but...it did not go well.
It was as though matters of the court meant nothing to him.
Instead it was the princess, hiding behind her brother, who seemed to have a mind for such things.
She said her name was Eirika, as I recall...
She was intelligent—and rather beautiful as well. I do wish my sister could learn from her...
D-don't laugh! How rude. I'm simply paying the princess a compliment. I don't mean anything beyond that!





오의 발동

Know your place!頭が高いぞ
Is that all you can do?その程度か
You'll regret that.侮るな!


How can this be?バカな…私が…


I am Prince Innes of Frelia. I will rule the kingdom one day.私はフレリアの王子ヒーニアス。いずれフレリアの全てを継ぐ者だ。
Insolent fool! Do you think you can just—うわっ…!? ぶ、無礼者! 私を誰と心得る!
A king must not show any weakness. To be a ruler is to be without flaw.王者たるもの、他人に隙を見せてはならない。常に完璧であらねば。
I am proficient enough with the blade and the spear; however, it is the bow that is, to me, most natural.剣も槍も使えぬ訳ではないが、やはり弓が一番使いやすい。
My little sister, Tana, is something of a tomboy. I hope she can grow to be more dignified.妹のターナはお転婆で…あれでは将来が思いやられるな。
Ephraim of Renais... Anyone but him. I must best him!ルネス王国のエフラム…あいつにだけは負けるわけにいかない…!
You show quite a bit of promise! In the future, you would excel in my service.君はなかなか見どころがある。将来召し抱えてやってもいいぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Ah, yes.よかろう
Are you certain?信じていいのか?
My arrow will pierce the heart!射抜いてみせる

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