정월을 꿰뚫는 히니어스/대사
I am Innes. Allow me to offer words of celebration in welcoming this new year as prince of Frelia. | 私はヒーニアス。フレリア王子として新たな年の到来に祝いの言葉を贈らせてもらおう。 |
I have a pile of strategic treatises I wish to read. I must see how many I can make it through this year. | 読みたい戦術書は山ほどある。今年一年、どれだけ読破できるか…己との戦いはもう始まっている。 |
Frelia's New Year rituals are solemn. Askr's, though, are lively and extend beyond the boundaries of this world. | フレリア王宮の新年の儀はおごそかだがアスク王国の新年の儀は異界の垣根を超えた華やかさがあるな。 |
Have you decided on a goal for the New Year? Ah... I see a strong will in your eyes. It was crude to even ask. | 君はもう決めたのか? 今年の目標を。なるほど…強い意志を秘めたその瞳。聞くだけ野暮だったな。 |
Ephraim would certainly be swinging a spear at first light of the year. I try not to get so carried away. | 新年だからと浮かれるわけにはいかない。エフラムなら年明け早々から槍を振り始めるはずだからな。 |
This is an outfit worn to celebrate the New Year? I imagine Tana being fond of the refined elegance of its design. | なるほど、これが新年を祝う装束か。洗練された華やかさがありターナが気に入りそうなデザインだな。 |
친구 방문
I am Innes, prince of Frelia. I bring New Year's greetings from your dear friend [Friend]. | フレリア王国王子、ヒーニアスだ。[フレンド]より新年の挨拶を預かってきた。 |
레벨 업
I shall grow closer to becoming perfect royalty. On this New Year, I swear it. | 新しい年に誓おう。必ずや完璧な王族に近づいてみせると。 |
It would not do for me to miss my target first thing in the year. | 新年早々、狙いを外すわけにはいかないからな。 |
I see an area for improvement. I shall refine my skills and success will be mine. | 改善点は見えた。次こそ結果を出す。 |
I will use this new power to help me take on even larger challenges. | 新しい力を決意に変えてより大きな目標を射抜いてみせる。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
A Hoshido proverb is that the quality of a day is decided in the morning, and a year on its first day. It need not be said that one's training is just as important every other day as it is on the first of the year. The first of the year holds important meaning as the day one decides on concrete goals for the months ahead. How one wishes to improve oneself. How one wishes to be at year's end. This proverb strikes true. Even if the goal is small, if it only gets one through the moment at hand, reaching that goal is of significance. Just as a great tree's roots grow deep into the earth, unwavering devotion will bring me the life I desire. | 白夜王国には一年の計は元旦にあり、という新年の格言があるらしいな。 元旦以外にも日々の修練が大切だというのは今さら言うまでもないが…。 この一年、己をどう伸ばしたいのか。一年後の自分はどうありたいのか。 確固たる目標を立てるためにも元旦は極めて重要な意味を持つ。まさに真理を突いた格言だろう。 その場しのぎの目標を立てても大きな目標に繋がることはない。 大樹が大地に根を張っていくように揺るぎない姿勢で、目指す理想に近づきたいものだな。 |
- | やっ |
- | くらえ! |
- | ああっ |
- | おのれ…! |
오의 발동
A new year! | 新しい年だ |
Be on guard. | 気を引き締めろ |
Of course I will celebrate. | 祝ってやろう |
Greetings. | ご挨拶だな |
I...failed. | 私と…したことが… |
Mm-hm? | ふふん |
As an exemplar of Frelia, I offer New Year's greetings. | フレリアを代表して新年の挨拶を申し上げよう。 |
Oh? Is that a customary greeting here? | !? これも正月の風習なのか? |
This...kimono...is nice. I am quite fond of it. | この着物というのはなかなかよいものだ。気に入った。 |
I have a renewed sense of purpose this year. I will devote myself wholly to my training, that I may be a just king. | 心を新たに、今年も良き王となるべく修行に励むとしよう。 |
Where is Tana? I have a New Year's gift I must give her. It is called an "otoshidama." | ターナはどこだ? お年玉というのをやらねばならん。 |
I will not lose to Ephraim, no matter the contest. Spinning tops, flying kites... | 駒回しだろうが凧揚げだろうが、エフラムには負けん…! |
I am happy to greet this new year with you beside me. | 新しい年を君と迎えられることを嬉しく思っている。 |
아군 턴 터치
I see. | なるほどな |
Your intentions? | どうするつもりだ |
I shall expel them. | 蹴散らしてくれる |