책략의 왕자 히니어스/대사


I am Prince Innes of Frelia.
Not that I care, but...is a man called Ephraim here?

I must admit, it's benevolent to welcome Heroes from other lands. It's also very naive.
Be careful that you don't provide an opening for rival kingdoms. They may just take advantage of it.
This kingdom is as beautiful as the heavens themselves. This is not to imply it bests Frelia, of course.
When Frelia's pegasi gather in Walles Forest... It's a spectacle of such beauty...
You need to rest. We cannot afford to be defeated, and your strategies cannot fail.
Don't forget, making sure you're battle ready at all times is among your responsibilities, too.
Your reputation for tactical skill precedes you. I have no little skill in these matters myself.
What would you say to using these pieces and this board to test each other's knowledge on the subject?
Yes, I was reading history. As a member of the royalty, it's my duty to be well versed in many subjects.歴史書を読んでいた。王族である私は、あらゆることを学んでおかねばならない。

친구 방문

I am Prince Innes of Frelia. I have a message for you, which I carry for [Friend].私はフレリア王子ヒーニアスだ。[フレンド]の使者としてここに来た。

레벨 업

Those born to royalty must be perfect at all times.王族たる者は、常に完璧であらねばならない。
There is nothing my arrows cannot pierce.我が弓で貫けぬものはない。
This is simply unacceptable. I must make up for this next time.あってはならない失態だ…次で必ず取り戻す…


We of noble birth do not shirk the duties to which we are born.高貴なる身分の者は、それにふさわしい責務を負わねばならない。

5성 40레벨 달성

Someday, I will inherit the throne of Frelia. And so I dwell on one thing... A king must be perfect.
This is why I apply myself so thoroughly to my studies and my bowmanship.
The more that I learn, though, the more I realize the breadth and depth of learning I must strive for.
I've come to understand how far away my goal—perfection—truly is.
Consider my sister. I'll speak frankly. She is but a child. She lacks both my strength and my knowledge.
What she has that I lack is innocence. People find it much easier to trust her than they do me.
But there is no way for me to regain that purity of spirit. I know too much of the ways of the battlefield.
Yet I have no choice but to find a way to become a man people can trust unreservedly.
This is what I mean when I speak of the struggle for perfection... As a man who will be king, I must find a way.
This may be difficult to comprehend, given our stations in life...
Understand this. It is my way of making a pledge to you.
I shall study with you, fight for you, and, yes, become the ideal monarch.





오의 발동

Behold my skill!我が弓を見よ
I warned you.警告したはずだ
You should have tried harder.甘いな
Thanks for the opening.隙を見せたな


I'll...keep going...はいずって…でも…


I am no ordinary archer. I am Prince Innes of Frelia.私はフレリア王子ヒーニアス。ただの弓使いと侮るな。
Eh? That was...that was your attempt at greeting me? I see.!? 君の親愛の挨拶は理解に苦しむな…
As long as I am here, you will not be in danger. I shall see to that.私がいる以上、万が一のことなどない。
You and I are not the same. You are a commoner. I am the heir to Frelia.私はフレリア王子だ。君たち庶民とは違う。
We of noble birth do not shirk the duties to which we are born.高貴なる身分の者は、それにふさわしい責務を負わねばならん。
There is one man I could never stand to lose to. Ephraim.エフラム…あの男にだけは負けるわけには…
One day, I will be crowned king. When that day comes, I will welcome you to my kingdom.私はいずれ王になる。そして、君を我が国に迎えると約束しよう。

아군 턴 터치

I'll keep you safe.私が守ろう。
What next?さて、どうしたものか…
Your plan?策は定まったのか?

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I will open the path!扉を開く!
Desist, rabble.屈するがいい!
You dare underestimate me?甘く見られたものだ
Playtime is over.遊びは終わりだ

패배 - 신장

Not I...この私が…負けた…?

상태창 - 신장

This new garb pleases me. It emphasizes the nobility of my countenance.なかなか趣味のいい衣装ではないか。高貴な私によく似合う。
Hm? Not a hair out of place. Thank you.ん…? 何だ、どこか乱れていたか?
There are certainly many unique individuals here. I imagine it's quite a trial for you.この特務機関は個性の強い者ばかりで、君も心労の絶えないことだろう。
Where is Ephraim? I'd like him to take a look at my new garb. I'm sure he'll be left with little to say.エフラムはどこだ? 新しい衣装を見せつけてやらねば。
As I am set above my people, I must embody the very best of my people.民の上に立つ者として、私は誰よりも強くあらねばならない。
I must see if Commander Anna can arrange a sitting for a portrait while I am attired this way.アンナ隊長に頼んで、絵姿を残してもらうのもよいな…
Do, uh...do you have a moment? I would like to get to know you a little better, if I may.その…話ができないだろうか。私は君をもっと理解したいと思っている。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Of course.承知した
This path must open.開いてみせよう

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