몰아치는 바닷바람 아이비/대사


I am Ivy, crown princess of Elusia. Might you direct me to the chilliest portion of this castle?イルシオン王女、アイビーよ。ここは、避暑地かしら…?暑さを凌げると嬉しいのだけれど。

Even in the shade, this place is sweltering. I'm contemplating a dive into the ocean, if only to cool off.折角涼しそうな場所に来たというのに、なぜ私の周りは暑いままなの…海は苦手だけれど、飛び込みたい気分よ。
The academy in Elusia would give us time off in the summer, but our vacations were nothing like this.祖国の学園に通っていた頃も、夏になると一定の休暇があったけれど…貴方が思うような夏休みではないわよ。
I wonder what my father would say if he could see this beach. Probably nothing—his face would say it all.イルシオン王…お父様にも、この色鮮やかな夏を見せたかったわ。いったい、どんな顔をされたかしら…
Elusian summers are short and cold. Forget about the ocean—the air alone will freeze you if you fail to cover up.イルシオンの夏はとても短く、寒冷なの。海だって、泳げないぐらい冷たくて…こんな薄着をすることもなかったわ。
I've heard that snowfall at sea is a uniquely pretty sight. I hope to show it to the Divine Dragon one day.海の中にも雪が降ると聞いたの。いつか、神竜様と一緒に見てみたいわ…きっと美しいのでしょうね。

친구 방문

I am Ivy. Before I go to find a colder place to be than here...summer tidings from [Friend].私は夏休み中のアイビー。[フレンド]から挨拶よ。暑いから、もう行くわね…

레벨 업

I will admit, I've begun to experience something resembling...fun.少しだけ、楽しくなってきたわ。…ほんの少しだけよ。
I did not expect I'd be honing my battle prowess while dressed for the beach. A pleasant surprise.こんな格好でも、強くなれるものなのね…
I have any number of outfits that would be better suited to—ugh, no. Too hot.やっぱり、きちんと服を着たほうが…いえ、暑いからやめておきましょう。


Thank you for the gift. Could I trouble you for an ice-cold drink as well?力をくれてありがとう。ついでに、冷たい飲み物も欲しいわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Despite the atrocious heat, and the indignity of swimsuits, I've...begun to become accustomed to being here.
In Elyos, where I come from, we sort of merge with our Emblems when we engage with them.
So when I began to think of this as rather like...engaging with the essence of summer, it became more palatable.
But do not take that as permission to dress me up in more silly outfits! I assure you this is my absolute limit.
Consider directing your attention in that regard to someone fun-loving and inspiring—like the Divine Dragon.





오의 발동

I loathe summer.夏なんて嫌い
Sweltering, is it not?暑苦しいわ
Cool off.頭を冷やして
Summer engage!サマーエンゲージ


I'm sunk...沈められたわね…


I want nothing to do with swimwear or sandy beaches. But for the Divine Dragon's sake, I will endure.夏は嫌いだけれど…神竜様と一緒なら、この格好も仕方のないことだわ。
Hands to yourself, please. I have a sunburn.ひゃっ! やめて頂戴、そこは日焼けしてヒリヒリするの。
The swimsuit I wore on the Somniel was rather more plain than this one.ソラネルでも偶に、水着になることがあったわ。こんなに派手ではなかったけれど。
First order of business upon returning to Elusia: research the means to export snow.暑くて、溶けてしまいそう…イルシオンの雪を持ってきたいわね…
Yes, I do know how to swim—despite appearances to the contrary.こう見えて、泳ぎは不得手ではないの。意外だったかしら?
In case you haven't noticed, I don't enjoy the beach. I'd rather be in the snow. Or encased in a block of ice...一面の氷と、雪原ならいざ知らず…海も、砂浜も、どう楽しめばいいのかわからないわ…
I've read many fond stories of the summer. Perhaps I might tell my own someday.ひと夏の思い出、という言葉は書物で読んで知っているの。ここでの記憶はきっと、正しくそうなるのでしょうね。

아군 턴 터치

It's so hot...暑いわね…
I fear I may melt.溶けてしまいそう

캐릭터 페이지로