사신 쟈팔/대사


I am Jaffar. Known also as the Angel of Death. But only by those in Black Fang—and now, you.俺はジャファル…【黒い牙】では【死神】と呼ばれていた。

Order of Heroes... Odd name. This is a group that kills and kills for your homeland, yes?特務機関…?よくわからないが…祖国のために敵を殺す組織か…?
In my world, I was a corpse. Or nearly one since birth. But meeting Nino...changed me.…元の世界で、俺は死体だった。生まれた時から、死んでいたも同然だった。だが、ニノと出会って…俺は変わった。
Patrolling again, are you? That is the effective way to find spies and deter assassins.…見回りか。暗殺者や密偵を防ぐには有効だ…
We are making conversation, aren't we? All right.
The best time to assassinate someone is when the target is eating or sleeping.
When I have time to myself, I think of assassination. I have thought of little else since my youngest days.殺す訓練だ。赤子の頃に教わった。他に時間の過ごし方を知らない…

친구 방문

Don't run. I'm not here to deliver death. Only a greeting from [Friend].動くな…お前を殺しに来たのではない。[フレンド]からの挨拶を伝えに来ただけだ。

레벨 업

Only luck.…運が良かっただけだ。
Not bad.…悪くない。
Must be rusty.…鈍ったか。


Will this help me do...what I do?これでもっと上手く、もっと多く標的を消せるだろう…

5성 40레벨 달성

You are too kind—to me, to all around us, to everyone.
That is your weak spot, [Summoner].
You make a grave mistake if you think me a friend. I am your tool to use. Nothing else.
When I fail, cast me into the heap with the trash and offal. You must, for that is the way of life...
What? You won't? Then you leave me no choice but to live on and on, serving you.
Know then that there is no mission too cruel for me to handle on your behalf.
I will finish it. I will return to you. There is no need to worry.





오의 발동

Death comes.「死」を
Time to go.始末する
Another victim.標的か
The end is near.任務を果たす


It ends...…終わりか


Next mission. Please.…任務か?
The human touch? Not for me.…お前のすることは理解できん
I am known as the Angel of Death.【死神】…俺の名だ
Do I know of...joy, sorrow, anger, dread? No.喜びも悲しみも、俺は知らない
I have...no heart.俺には心がない
A pile of corpses. Upon that I was born. An infant in a cradle of death.死体の山で…俺は生まれた
You must...live.…お前は、生きろ…

아군 턴 터치


공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Drop dead.くたばれ
It's over.終わりだ
Just following orders.遂行するのみ
Out of my sight.消え失せろ

패배 - 신장

They...got me...失敗か…

상태창 - 신장

I'm wearing this outfit because I was ordered to. I wasn't told anything else, so don't ask.新しい服に着替えろと言われた。何だこれは…
Next time you need something, just say it.…お前は何がしたいんだ?
Seiðjárn? Never heard of it.魔道科学…? 何だそれは。
What are those things that Niðavellir uses to fight? Actually, forget it—just point me to their weak spot.ニザヴェリルの奴らの…あれは何だ? どうやって倒せばいい…?
These clothes are too heavy. Take away an assassin's speed, and all you've got is dead weight.ごてごてした服は苦手だ。動きにくくては任務が果たせん。
At least Nino likes this getup. That makes one of us.ニノは…喜んでいる。それだけは悪くない。
I might complain, but...I know this outfit is special. So...thank you.お前が俺を気にかけているのはわかった。その…礼を言う。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Got it.承知
Who's next?どっちだ
Just give me your order.任務だ

캐릭터 페이지로