충의의 괴물 조커/대사
Happy harvest festival! I am Jakob, a butler from Nohr. For my liege, I'll don any costume that's required. | 収穫祭おめでとうございます。私はジョーカー。暗夜王国の執事…主君のためなら、仮装もお手の物です。 |
I suppose this outfit must make me look quite intimidating. The other Heroes don't often approach me. I'm not complaining, mind you. It means I needn't bother with social niceties, after all. | この姿でいると恐ろしく見えるのか、英雄たちが話しかけてきません。気を遣わずに済んで、好都合ですよ。 |
Being in costume reminds me of a Nohrian festival I once attended. So many people, talking and talking... Looking back on it now, though... I must admit it wasn't all that bad. | 仮装してると、異界の暗夜祭を思い出すな。あの時は色んな奴と話す羽目になったが…後から思えば、まあ悪くはなかった…か。 |
What's this? You'd like some candy? I suppose there are some things even a summoner can't summon. Very well. I shall prepare some candy for you in the near future. | なんです? お菓子が欲しいのですか?召喚師でも、それは召喚できないのですね。仕方ありません…今度作って差し上げます。 |
Would you like to carve a pumpkin lantern with me? It might be fun— I mean, it might be more efficient if we cooperated to complete the task. | 一緒にカボチャのランタンを作りませんか。他に人がいると楽ができる…いえ、一人より二人の方が効率的ですので。 |
It is said that costumes like this one are worn to frighten thieves so they won't steal newly harvested crops. That...is not my job, however. My duty is to protect my liege, Corrin. | この仮装をしていると、収穫した作物を異形の者から守れると信じられています。私は作物よりカムイ様を守りたいですが。 |
친구 방문
If you do not hand over some candy, I will be left with no choice but to play a very wicked trick on you. I jest, of course. I've simply come to greet you, so I chose the traditional harvest festival style. | お菓子をくださらないと悪戯をしますよ。…冗談です。本日は収穫祭の決まり文句ではなく、挨拶をお届けに参りました。 |
레벨 업
Have I been swept up in the spirit of the festival? How unlike me. | ガラにもなく、祭りで浮かれてしまったか? |
I have proven I can serve my liege no matter how I am attired. | この格好でも活躍できること、カムイ様に証明できたな。 |
Hmph. This would not be an issue, were I wearing my uniform. | ちっ…いつもの服装ならせめてもっと…… |
Do you truly intend to make me a monster with this power? | ほう…こんなに力を与えて、私を本物の怪物にするおつもりですか? |
5성 40레벨 달성
Is that you, my liege? Oh, no... Of course not. It's you. How could I make such a mistake? Perhaps it is this costume. I feel as though I've been a bit off since I arrived at this castle. Normally, I would serve only my liege, Corrin. For some reason, however, I feel compelled to follow you... I fight for you, and even care about your safety. I simply cannot understand it. Aha! You've played a vicious trick on me, because I haven't given you any candy. No? You haven't? Then... I must have formed some affection for you myself, without even realizing... Well, when next we meet, the least I could do would be to offer you a cup of tea, I suppose. | ! カムイ様…?…ではなく、貴方でしたか。全く…間違えるなんて私としたことが。 怪物の仮装をしているせいか、ここに来てからなんだか調子が狂います。私はカムイ様にしか従わないはずなのに… どうして貴方の指示に従い、闘って、あまつさえ貴方の無事を願うようになってしまったのか…理解に苦しみます。 まさか、私がお菓子をあげないからといって何か悪戯をしてはいませんよね?…そうですか。じゃあこれは俺の… …仕方ありません。貴方への情という余計なものまで収穫したことは不覚ですが…次に来た時は、紅茶くらい振る舞いますよ。 |
ふんっ | |
それっ |
うあっ | |
You're good... | やるじゃねえか… |
오의 발동
Trick or treat? | トリックオアトリート |
No more of this trickery! | 悪戯が過ぎるな? |
Time to reap the harvest! | 収穫してやるよ |
Feast upon pumpkin! | カボチャでも食ってろ! |
I'll haunt you. | 化けて出てやるよ… |
Heh heh... | ふふ… |
Care for a cup of tea? I've prepared it...with pumpkin. | かぼちゃの風味をうつした紅茶は如何ですか? |
I am masquerading as a monster drawn from Nohrian legend. | この格好は、暗夜に伝わる架空の化け物ですよ |
Trick or treat? I have no use for these candy-swapping charades. Or for your trickery. | 菓子は自分で作るので不要です。それより悪戯がしたいですね |
I would gladly serve sweets to my liege, Corrin. But treats? To children? The nerve. | 子供ではなく、カムイ様にお菓子を差し上げたいです |
Believe you me, monsters are not half as ghastly as...people. | お化けよりも人間の方がよほど恐ろしい…私はそう思います |
Do the people of Askr also cavort around in costumes for the harvest festival? | アスク王国の収穫祭にも、仮装する風習があるのでしょうか |
Was that a pat on the back for a job well done? Or more trickery? Ah, well, even my liege Corrin would... Oh, never you mind. | ん? そんな風に触って、悪戯のつもりですか?カムイ様もよくこうして…いえ、何でもありません。 |
아군 턴 터치
Indeed. | 承知しました |
Round we go. | 訪問開始です |
Trickery, eh? | 悪戯しましょうか |