벨던의 왕자 쟈므카/대사


I am the youngest son of King Batu of Verdane. If you aim to aid the weak, my strength is yours to wield.ヴェルダン王バトゥが末子、ジャムカだ。弱きを助けるために戦うのであれば、俺の力を貸してやろう。

The smell of the earth and the trees... It reminds me of my homeland, Verdane.
Wherever you find yourself, it's nice to see green.
I find unscrupulous behavior abhorrent. I cannot abide those who abuse their authority.俺は曲がったことが嫌いでな。権力を笠に着た卑劣なふるまいはどんなやつでも我慢がならない。
That tree, over there... Yes, that one... Take a long look at it. Rest your tired eyes.[召喚師]、あそこの木をしばらく眺めておけ。…疲れた目が休まるぞ。
If you would hunt, call on me. The forest is my second home. I crave respite from the clamor of the castle.狩りへ行くなら同行させてもらおう。森は俺の第二の家のようなものだ。騒がしい城の中にいるよりも落ち着く。
It's impossible to focus on keeping watch with you hovering around me. Return to your room, please.こう近くに寄られていては気が散って見張りに集中できん。邪魔だから部屋に戻っていろ。

친구 방문

I am Jamke, prince of Verdane. I bring you a token of esteem from [Friend].俺はヴェルダンの王子、ジャムカだ。[フレンド]からの友好の証を受け取れ。

레벨 업

My senses—they sharpen.感覚が研ぎ澄まされていく…
I have a long way yet to go. I will strive to maintain my focus.まだ伸び代がありそうだな。気を抜かずに励んでいこう。
I have confidence in my bow arm, but that alone is not enough.弓の腕にはそれなりに自信があったんだがな…


Thanks to this, I head back into battle with confidence. You have my gratitude.これでまだ、前線で戦えそうだ。礼を言う。

5성 40레벨 달성

In their weakness, my father and my brothers were blinded to the world and thought only of Verdane.
My words fell on deaf ears...and I had no choice but to become a traitor to my fatherland.
My family died before my eyes.
I am not saying that I regret the choice I made. I followed my convictions.
Every day, however, I do wonder if there was a path I could have chosen that avoided the worst...
One day, you will be confronted by a decision just as difficult as the one I made.
When that time comes, let your heart guide your hand. You must follow your own beliefs.
Hold fast to your convictions. That is the only way to avoid regret.





오의 발동

Get out of here!早く立ち去れ!
You villain!貴様!
I'll kill you if I have to.殺したくはない
You were warned.警告はした


So this is it...くっ…これまでか…


As a prince of Verdane, I was once Lord Sigurd's enemy.俺はヴェルダンの王子、シグルド公子の敵だった
Is that how you greet your countrymen?!? 今のが、お前の国の挨拶なのか…?
I dislike strange magic. My father fell victim to it.怪しげな魔法は好かん。親父の仇を思い出す…
Is that clothing common where you come from? It's very interesting.変わった格好をしているな。お前の国の装束か?
My own country considers me a traitor. Well, there is one who believes in me.俺は国に背いた裏切り者だ。だが、信じるものがある。
When the fighting ends, I hope, well... I have my plan.この戦いが終わったら…俺は…
You are a mystery to me... However, I feel that is why I can put my trust in you. I can't explain it…お前は不思議だ。謎めいているが…信じられる何かがある。

아군 턴 터치

Guide my bow.どこを攻める?
I am ready.覚悟は決めた

캐릭터 페이지로