네바사 주둔군의 장 젤드/대사


Don't mistake me for a lenient general. You will carry out my orders promptly and without hesitation. Am I clear?!俺はほかの将軍ほど甘くはないぞ。命令は全て「すみやか」に「確実」に遂行しろ、わかったな!

Silver-Haired Maiden... Priestess of Dawn... Whichever they call her now, her instincts are keen as they come.【銀の髪の乙女】……いや、いまは【暁の巫女】だったか。勘の鋭い娘だ。
The role of overseer is a dull existence. A little fresh game to hunt is just what I need.監視役なんて退屈な任務、刺激がないとやってられんからな。
Unbelievable! If it's not one thing, it's another. Why am I always stuck leading the buffoons?やれやれ…どいつもこいつも、手間ばかりかけさせてくれるぜ。
Argh, dratted bird! Yes, get that mangy, flying bag of bones away from me!なんだ、この鳥は!?あっちへ行け!
If you are a soldier of the empire, you will follow your superior's orders promptly and without hesitation.
It's so simple, yet the filth fail to understand it.

친구 방문

What am I being used for? A mere messenger? What insolence! Damned [Friend]...[フレンド]め……小賢しい真似をしてくれる。この俺を使い走りにするとはな。

레벨 업

Don't expect an easy fight. Before I die, I will see each of you dead in front of me.俺はただでは死なんぞ?俺が死ぬのは、お前らを残らず道連れにしてからだ!
I live as a proud soldier of the empire. I choose death rather than settle as a commoner to survive.俺は腐っても帝国軍人だ。野に下って生き延びるよりも、戦って死ぬ道を選ぶ。
Grrr... Useless... That's as far as we go today. I advise you to withdraw, [Summoner].……チッ、忌々しい。今日はここまでだ!引き揚げるぞ、[召喚師]。


Hold on—I have to tie my scarf a specific way... There. Now, what is your business with me?襟元の結び方にこだわりがあってな…よし、それで話ってのは何だ?

5성 40레벨 달성

I am here, so...what is it you have to ask me at this hour? Let me guess... It's about how I treated Daein...
Do you know the horror of their past atrocities? Hm? I apologize for nothing. I regret nothing.
Daein is no victim in this. That said, they will be the end of me. There is no salvation in war, after all.
Duke Numida used the occupation army to conceal his injustices, then left us. We are living proof of his evil.
Should we have pleaded our case to the apostle? Nonsense... That, right there, would be true self-destruction.
I would rather choke on my own vomit than accompany the senate to the grave.
We are proud soldiers of the empire! Begnion's superior army will strike fear into those wretches from Daein!





오의 발동

Useless vermin!この屑どもが!
How brave of you.小賢しい真似を!
The glory of our deaths!手向けにしろ!
You've got to be kidding me!…っざけるなあっ!


I regret nothing.詫びる気など…ない…


I am General Jarod of Begnion. I advise you not to forget my name.ベグニオン帝国将軍ジェルド。覚えておくがいい。
What was that? You there! Watch where you're going, worm.あ? おいおい、虫けらが調子に乗るな。
You will follow my orders promptly and without hesitation.上官の命令は全て「すみやか」に「確実」に遂行しろ。
We live as proud soldiers of the empire!俺たちは腐っても帝国軍人だ。
I am sorry for nothing... I regret nothing.俺は、詫びる気などない…悔いる気もない…
It is better to face your foes and die in glory...than to live in fear of their pursuit.追手に脅えて生きるくらいなら、いっそ華々しく散るさ。
Don't mistake me. Things will be done one way. My way.勘違いするなよ。俺は俺のやりたいようにやる。

아군 턴 터치

Death with purpose.そうこなくてはな

캐릭터 페이지로