도마 교단 대사제 쥬다/대사
My name is Jedah. Offer your soul to the great Lord Duma. Obey him and kneel before his might! | わしの名はジュダ。偉大なるドーマさまに魂を捧げよ……ドーマさまに従い、その力に跪くのだ!!! |
Ah... So that is Alm? | ほう……あやつがアルムか。 |
I shall return all to the gods' control. It is the dawn of an age of fear and chaos, cradled in Duma's shadow! | すべてを神の手に還すのだ。ドーマさまの統べる、恐怖と渾沌の世界へ…… |
Alm... Rudolf's worthless spawn... You're both disgusting heretics. How dare you wish harm on Duma! | ルドルフの小倅め。親子そろってドーマさまに仇なす痴れ者どもが! |
Mila's kindness and mercy weakened the hearts and bodies of mankind, transforming them. They became monsters bent on only satisfying their own desires. Can you claim that such a world is just? | ミラの慈愛は人々の心身を惰弱にし、自己の欲だけを満たす怪物にした。そのような世が正しいとでもいうのか? |
I'm afraid what you ask is beyond my ability. Mila has sealed Falchion. We mortals have no say in the matter. | ミラを解放だと……どうやって?ファルシオンはミラが自ら封印した。われわれに解くことなどできぬ。 |
친구 방문
I am Jedah, servant of Lord Duma. Will you offer up your soul along with [Friend]? | ドーマさまにお仕えするジュダである。[フレンド]と共に汝の魂を捧げるか? |
레벨 업
Now is the time. Offer your soul to Lord Duma as an offering for the second coming of the age of gods! | ドーマさまに魂を捧げるのだ!再来する神の時代への供物としてな! |
The hour is come for the world of man to return to the gods' control! | 人の世は終り、大地を神の手に還すときがきたのだ。 |
If you are displeased, I suggest you point your ire at Mila. Lay blame upon the merciless goddess who forsook her Zofian children! | 恨むならミラを恨むがよい。ソフィアの民を捨てた無慈悲なミラをな!! |
None know my true intentions. It may be that even I have lost sight of them. | わしの真意など、誰にもわからん。わし自身、もうわかってはいないのかもしれぬ…… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Lord Duma...is ill. Countless years of mortal idiocy have driven even the hearts of gods to madness. We have reached a limit collecting feeble souls and shaping them into divine life. It seems as though we need a soul that bears the fate of a Brand... Without the gods' strength at its foundation, Valentia cannot sustain life, unlike a prosperous continent. Do you see? I am both Lord Duma's faithful servant and he who shall be the world's savior! Presumptuous human children let my mercy go to their heads. They throw tantrums without my approval. You understand the proper way of things, do you not? Will you walk with me, [Summoner]? | ドーマさまは……病んでおられる。永年にわたる人間どもの愚かな営みが神の心をさえ、狂気に導いてしまったのだ。 か細い魂を縒り集めて神気と成すのももはや限界。やはり聖痕の運命を宿す魂が必要…… 神の力なくしてバレンシアの民は生きてはゆけぬ。豊かな大陸とはわけが違うのだ。 ……わかるか?わしはドーマさまの忠実な僕であると同時に救世の徒たらんとしておるのだ! それを、たかが人の子がのぼせ上がりおって、恥知らずどもめが……好き勝手にわめき立ておる…… [召喚師]は道理というものがわかっているであろう。……わしと共に来るか? |
- | はっ |
- | そおれ |
- | ぬあっ… |
- | 小癪な… |
오의 발동
Death is a blessing. | 死ぬがいい |
Presumptuous child! | 人の子が… |
Bow before him! | ひれ伏せ! |
Lord Duma! Your power! | ドーマさま…! |
Glory unto...Duma... | ドーマ様に…栄光あれ…! |
- | くっくっく… |
I am Jedah, first disciple to the great and glorious Duma. | わしの名はジュダ。偉大なるドーマ様の第一のしもべ… |
You seek audience with me of your own volition? Do you desire to sacrifice your soul to Duma? | ぬ…? 自らわしに近づいてくるとは、魂を捧げる気にでもなったのか? |
Anthiese's soul is rare and precious—I must have it. | アンテーゼの得難い魂…必ず手に入れてやる。 |
Rudolf and his worthless spawn are disgusting heretics. How dare they wish harm on Duma! | あのルドルフの小倅、親子そろってドーマ様に仇成す知れ者め… |
The Duma Faithful shall deliver Valentia from its depravity and ruin. When that day comes, I expect your thanks. | 堕落しきったバレンシアを我ら教団が正してやるのだ。有難く思え。 |
Sonya? Hm... I used to have a daughter by that name... | ソニア…? ああ…そんな娘もいたような気がするのう…… |
I will work alongside you, but only to assess whether you could be of use to Duma. | お前はドーマ様の役に立つかもしれぬ。しばし様子を見るとするか… |
아군 턴 터치
So be it. | よかろう |
Foolish... | ぬう… |
Accept this sacrifice… | 捧げものだ |