파멸의 검 제랄트/대사


I'm Jeralt. I'm a mercenary, so I can handle myself in a fight. If you don't mind, why don't we leave it at that.俺はジェラルト……流れの傭兵。戦いの勝手はわきまえているつもりだ。その代わり、互いに詮索は無しにしようや。

Let's skip the formalities, shall we? Care for a drink?難しい話はよそうや。まずは酒を酌み交わしてからだ。
Risking your life is part of the job for a mercenary. It's smart to keep your eyes on what's in front of you.俺たち傭兵の仕事は命懸けなんだ。余計なことを考えるな。ってのが、これまでに得た知見なのさ。
There is only so much guidance I can give. Sometimes all you can do is watch the young surpass you.いまさら、どうすることもできやしねえ。ただ見守ってやるのが俺の役目だ。
It's all a bit reckless if you ask me. I just hope my counsel about Lady Rhea left some impression...あの人が、何を考えているのかは知らん。だが、いいか、あの人……レア様には気をつけろよ。
I have no intention of getting overly involved—for our mutual benefit.深くかかわる気はさらさらねえよ。それがお互いのためってもんだ。

친구 방문

You're [Summoner], huh? That right?[召喚師]ってのはお前さんか。[フレンド]からよろしく、ってな。

레벨 업

The battlefield is no place for idle thoughts. The fight is all you should think about—if you want to survive.戦いに雑念はいらん。斬って、突いて、ブッ壊す。それだけ考えろ……生き残りたければな。
I'm gonna get myself cleaned up, all right, [Summoner]?片付けちまうぞ、いいな[召喚師]!
Damn... Am I losing my edge?焼きが回ったか……


Huh... Interesting. I hadn't imagined I'd still be finding ways to improve myself at this point.おもしろいもんだな。この俺に、まだ先が見えるなんてな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Damn, nothing like a cool drink after a long battle...
So? What was it you wanted to ask me about?
Right... My full name is Jeralt Reus Eisner. I was once captain of the Knights of Seiros.
You've done your research.
Lady Rhea saved my life once, and I ended up in her service.
And I am also the father of the Ashen Demon. My life is a long, complicated story. Too long...
So long that I've grown a bit weary of it—all the fighting, the struggling to create a life...
The world is full of secrets that no one needs to know. And once you've made the mistake of learning...
I can tell you that there are truths about the world more terrible than any could imagine.
Even so, if you choose to seek out those truths, I won't be the one to try to stop you.





오의 발동

I will break you!ブッ壊れろ
Your guard's down.隙ありだ
No escape.逃がしゃしねえ


Damn... Am I losing my edge?俺も…焼きが回ったか…?


Name's Jeralt. These days I'm just a wandering mercenary.俺はジェラルト。今はただの流れの傭兵だ。
Hm? Did you need something? I'm a little busy.? 何だ? 俺は仕事で忙しいんだよ。
Risking your life is part of the job for a mercenary like me.俺たち傭兵の仕事は命懸けなんだ。
I tried to teach that kid everything I know.あいつには俺の全てを叩き込んだつもりだ。
I used to be a Knight of Seiros, but that was a long time ago.俺は昔、セイロス騎士団の騎士だったんだ。
Lady Rhea's here too, huh? I guess there's no avoiding it then...ここにはレア様もいるのか? 今さら顔を合わせたところで…
You've come a long way since we met, but I still have a lot to teach if you'll listen.勝ちたきゃ俺の言うことをよく聞いときな。

아군 턴 터치

Move out!おう
What's the plan?どうすんだ?
Now's the time.今だな

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