무사태평한 용병 제시/대사


Jesse. Just another mercenary of the unwashed-rogue variety. What's your story? Care if I join you?俺はジェシー、ケチな傭兵さ。君たち、みんなで旅してるの?俺も仲間に入れてくれない?

Grieth's payroll's a veritable who's who of Zofia's nastiest thugs.ギースの手下ときたら、ソフィア中からたちの悪いやつらを集めてるって話だ。
They say Zofia's Deliverance chased off Desaix and the Rigelian army. That's actually pretty impressive.ソフィア解放軍はリゲル軍とドゼーからお城を取り戻したっていうんだよ。やるねえ。
Deen and Sonya are two of Grieth's best, but it's not loyalty that keeps 'em there.
I don't know the specifics, but it's clear they've their own ambitions.
The world's full of beauty. Only a fool doesn't enjoy it. Take women— the gods' most perfect creation.俺はこの世の喜びを、そう、女性というすばらしい神の創造物との楽しい思い出をひとつでも多く享受したいだけさ。
The ladies in this army are fierce as hell AND gorgeous. I love it! All this motivation has me stir-crazy.この軍は女性だらけで眼福だねえ。おかげで毎日やる気があふれて困っちゃうくらいだ!

친구 방문

I'm Jesse, a wandering mercenary. Oh, and by the way, I'm currently working for [Friend].俺はジェシー、流しの傭兵さ。今は[フレンド]のところで世話になってるよ。

레벨 업

Ruling the world with might and terror? Talk about your stale clichés.
What's the point in living if you're not having fun? I'm not about to find out.
So? Whaddaya think? This is what ya get from a merc who's been through his fair share of trouble.どうだい!これが修羅場を潜り抜けてきた傭兵の技だよ!
Turns out it's a terrible idea to go off on my own tryin' to look cool...あーらら……やっぱり、ひとりでカッコつけようとしちゃいけないね。


Ah, now this is nice! Hope you think so too, [Summoner].これ、いいんじゃない?[召喚師]もそう思ってくれるよね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Just thought I'd say hey, see what your deal is... Say, doesn't your face get tired from scowling all the time?
I mean, it must be rough bearing the weight of another person's life... I fled from that kind of responsibility.
I took off to find a place where I can live how I want, free from Zofia and Rigel.
No nobles! No commoners! Just a place for folks like us. Don't you think that's a good idea?
Whaddaya say? Wanna join me? We'll take you in, even if you're a wandering drifter.
I mean, it'll be a land of free people, after all!





오의 발동

Feast on this!食らっちゃって!
Whaddaya think?これでどう?
This one's gonna hurt!痛いよ!
We're done here!はい、おしまい!


This wasn't on the list...おっと…まいったね…


Name's Jesse, by the way. I'm just your average garden-variety merc.俺はジェシー。ケチな傭兵さ。
Whoa, pal. What're you doin' there?わっ!? 何するんだよ、人が悪いなあ。
The Deliverance chased off Desaix, didn't they? *laugh* That's pretty impressive.解放軍はお城をドゼーから取り戻したんでしょ? やるねえ。
Gotta keep my eyes peeled. Ya never know when someone cute'll appear. Really, I'm serious as a stab wound.俺はいつだって本気さ。目の前の子が一番かわいいと思っているよ。
It's been forever since I've seen my family. Might never see 'em again.家族にはもう長いこと会ってないなあ。もう会うこともないかも。
I took off to find my own place where I can live how I want.俺は俺で好きに生きられる場所を見つけるつもりだよ。
You're pretty fun, ya know? I got a feeling good things'll happen if I stick with you.君って面白いよね。一緒にいるといいことありそうな気がするよ。

아군 턴 터치

I heard ya.はいはい
What's that now?うーん?
You got it.がんばるよ

캐릭터 페이지로