여행하는 행상인 조지/대사


Greetings! I'm Jorge, a merchant with the traveling caravan. I've got quality imports to sell, so take a gander!俺はジョージ。旅の行商人さ。いろんな国の名産品があるぜ。ちょっと見ていきなよ!

Daniel's my older twin brother. He's more serious and gentle than I am. I should take a page out of his book.ダニエルは双子の兄さ。すぐ熱くなっちまう俺とは違って真面目で誰にでも優しいんだ。
We hail from Crimea but as members of a merchant caravan, we get to visit a lot of different countries.俺たちはクリミア出身だが旅の行商隊としていろいろな国を回っていたのさ。
A mage named Ilyana traveled with us for a time. She sure did have a hearty appetite...魔道士のイレースは一時俺たちと一緒に旅をしていたんだ。よく食べる子だったなあ…
Muston leads the caravan, my brother, Daniel, operates the forge, Aimee runs a shop, and I buy second-hand items.武器屋ムストンが行商隊のリーダーでララベルが道具屋、兄のダニエルが錬成屋、俺が古物屋担当で…
Anna's shop is popular here, right? Well, the caravan's gonna move in and take a piece of that pie!へえ、アンナ商会ってのがここらでは有名なのかい?俺たちは俺たちで稼がせてもらうさ。

친구 방문

I'm Jorge from the merchant caravan. Check out these quality goods I'm selling from [Friend].
Also... Between you and me, I've got better deals on wares than Anna's shop does.
毎度! 行商隊のジョージだ。[フレンド]の城から名産品を持ってきた。見てってくれよ!

레벨 업

Daniel's forged weapons are really something, huh? Now I can fight AND shove!さすがダニエルが手をかけた武器だ。俺だってちゃんと戦えてるぜ!
I can defend myself just as easily as anybody else! Did you underestimate me just because I'm a merchant? Pft.自分の身は自分で守る…!商人だからって油断したかい?
Ah... This won't be good for business.あちゃあ…これじゃ商売あがったりだぜ。


Thanks for having my back. I was just thinking about how much I wanted this!助かるぜ! ちょうどこいつが欲しいと思ってたところだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, it's my favorite customer! Looking for anything in particular? I'm your guy for thrift finds!
But, to be honest, if I had the choice, I'd rather be selling dresses to lovely ladies instead of dealing weapons.
Even in another world, no one can truly escape war. Mulling over it just gets me choked up...
I can't let patrons see the rain clouds over my head, though. It's bad for business.
We merchants should do our best to bring peace. Let us know how we can all work together moving forward!





오의 발동

At your service!これでどうだ!
Hey! Excuse me!ちょい待ち!
Stay back, you!寄るなっての!
Thanks! Come again!毎度あり!


I knew this would happen...こうなると思った…


The name's Jorge. I belong to a merchant caravan, so I'm used to visiting different places.俺はジョージ。旅の行商隊で、あちこち回ってるんだ。
Whoa! What are you doing? I might drop something! Please—I can't afford to break the merchandise.おっと…! 何するんだ。商品を落としちまうじゃないか。
Hey, just so you know—I'd like to be paired up with a nice girl, not some punk.むさい野郎はお呼びじゃない。俺と組むのは女性にしてくれ。
Daniel, my twin brother, is famous for crafting weapons. Great stuff!ダニエルは俺の双子の兄で、特別な武器を作る名人なんだぜ。
If I can't capitalize on these circumstances...then I'm a fool!こんな楽しそうなこと、見逃す手はない。
If the rumors are true, then there might be hope...せめてあの噂が本当なら希望も持てるんだがな…
It's been a pleasure doing business with you. You have the air of an extra-special customer, you know?あんたはいいお得意様になりそうだ。よろしく頼むよ。

아군 턴 터치

You're sending me?行くのかい?
Well, hmm...どう言えばいいかな…
Time to settle up.そうこなくっちゃ!

캐릭터 페이지로