방랑왕 요슈아/대사


I'm Joshua, a mercenary. Did a coin flip bring me here? Well, either way... I guess you're my new boss.俺はヨシュア、傭兵だ。あんたが俺の雇い主かい?よろしく頼むぜ。

I've got a pretty heavy task ahead of me. You could say my gambling has been a way to test my luck.
A way to make sure I'm ready for it.
As a journeyman, I traveled far and wide. I worked as a mercenary back then.
Made a fair bit of money gambling at pubs, too!
This place is a lot different from my country, but it's pretty nice. Could use a gambling hall, though...俺の祖国とはまるで違うが、ここもなかなか良い国だな。賭場でもあればもっと良いんだが…
So... You want to make a bet? Ha, don't worry. You're an amateur, so I'll go easy on you!なあ、俺と賭けをしないか?はは、大丈夫だって。素人相手にサマはやらねえよ。
The way I see it, there are two ways to look at gambling. Sure, you could lose all your money...
But you could also consider that paying your tuition! After all, losing is a valuable life lesson, innit?

친구 방문

Your pal [Friend] asked me to give you this and was insistent I not gamble it away.[フレンド]に頼まれて挨拶に来たぜ。ところで、ここらに賭場はあるかい?

레벨 업

Hm. Must be what they call "dumb luck."こいつは驚いた。バカヅキってやつだな。
My luck hasn't run dry yet.ツキが回ってきたようだぜ。
Not my lucky day...ツキに逃げられちまったぜ…


I'll use this strength for Jehanna, for my mother...and for everyone.この力は…母上、ジャハナ、そして世界のために…

5성 40레벨 달성

I left my home at a young age to travel the land. I spent a long time just wandering all over.
Looking back, it may not have been the smartest decision... But it did lead me to you.
I'll return to my country eventually. Then I'll succeed to the throne and devote myself fully to ruling.
Oh, did I mention? I'm the crown prince of Jehanna. And when I go back, I want you to come with me.
I don't need your answer now, but give it some thought. Maybe we can flip a coin to decide?





오의 발동

Don't hold this against me.俺を恨むなよ?
Sorry, friend.あんたを斬るんだが…
Care for a wager?賭けなよ
I'll test your worth!しのぎ切れるか?


All outta luck...ツキが…なかったな…


Care to test your luck? Heads, I win—tails, you lose.あんたのツキがどれほどか、見せてもらうぜ。
Hm? Guess you caught me cheating, huh?!? おっと、イカサマがばれちまったか。
How about a small wager on the toss of a coin? I choose tails.表か、裏か…賭けるかい? 俺は裏だ。
Hm, it's heads. Today must be your lucky day.お、表だ。あんた、今日はついてるな。
Oops, that's tails. Looks like I win this one.おっと、裏だ。悪いな、おれの勝ちだ。
Mother, forgive me. One day, I will return to our country, just as I promised. I swear it...母上…お許しください。俺が、必ず国を…
I could use your help. If I win our next bet, lend me your aid.あんたが欲しい。俺が賭けに勝ったら、力を貸してくれ。

아군 턴 터치

Lucky me.ああ
Heads or tails?表か、裏か…

캐릭터 페이지로