남국의 노름꾼 요슈아/대사


Beautiful weather and crystal-clear water... In a place like this, Lady Luck will surely shine her blessings on me.
What's that? Oh, the name's Joshua. I'm just a mercenary.

If I swindled someone under the sun's watchful eye, I'd get burnt. Better not take my chances.こんな気持ちのいい場所でイカサマなんてやらかしたらお天道様にしかられちまうな。
What I wouldn't give for Jehanna's famous Audhulma ice blade right now!
Betcha one quick swing of that sword would cool this place down quick.
Watching the sun set with a drink in hand is sublime. Why, if Caellach were here we'd have a smorgasbord.夏の夜に一杯やるのも良いもんだぜ。ケセルダが隣にいたら…間違いなく連日酒宴だな。
Why don't you take a dip and relax? When you're down on luck, the best remedy is enjoying a change of pace.どうだ、一緒にひと泳ぎしないか。ツキを変えたいときは気分転換することも大切だぜ。
How much you wanna bet that I can slice this watermelon in two on the very first try?賭けないか?俺がスイカ割りを一発で成功できるかどうかをさ。

친구 방문

Hey there. Fancy a coin toss? If you win, I'll tell you all about the big news from [Friend].[フレンド]から夏の便りを届けに来たぜ。せっかくだしな、コインで勝負といこうか。

레벨 업

It feels like the goddess of summer herself has blessed me with prosperity. I'm on a roll!夏の女神がツキをくれたみたいだな!
Sometimes you just gotta stop and feel the warm breeze.いい風が吹いてきやがった。
Ugh. And I was betting on my luck to turn around this summer too!おかしいな…夏はツイてる季節のはずなんだが…


Not too shabby. I'll surf this wave of good fortune all the way to the bank.悪くない。幸運の波に乗れてるぜ。

5성 40레벨 달성

My homeland, Jehanna, is a desert. Except for the southern ocean, it's all sand for as far as the eye can see.
Not like we don't know what the beach is, though. I mean, it's also full of sand, innit?
Gotta admit, the ocean breeze here makes for a pleasant stay. Just can't get too comfy, else I'll get burned.
I welcome the lulls as much as the adrenaline. Changes up the pace and gives time for my luck to recharge.
So let's make a wager. Heads, summer vacation continues. Let's see what dear Lady Luck has in store...
よし、コインの表が出たらもう少しだけ南国気分を満喫するか。それっ! おっ、こいつは…!





오의 발동

Not bad at all.やるじゃないか
Cool your head!頭を冷やせよ
Let's make a wager.遊ぼうぜ
Don't bet on it!どっちに賭ける?


My luck's run out.ついて…ねえな…


I'm no stranger to heat like this. My homeland's practically a desert, after all.俺の出身は砂漠の国でね。暑いのには慣れてるんだ。
I'm not cheating this time. I swear!っ!? 何だよ。いかさまなんかしてねえぞ?
The beach, you say? Heh... Tourists are such easy marks.海か…へへっ、休暇で浮かれた観光客はいいカモだぜ。
Hey, throw some coin my way. Give me one week, and you'll see a major return.おい、俺にいくらか預けてみないか? 倍にして返してやるよ。
Whew! Swimming is more tiring than it looks... Think I'll take a quick nap...泳ぐと疲れるよな…ちょっと昼寝してくる。
If only my people could witness this summer sea... My mother would have loved it.母上や国のみんなにも、この海を見せてやれたらな…
Care to test your luck? No double-sided coins, just a good ol' fashioned swim race.俺と勝負しないか? 賭けじゃねえよ。泳ぎでだ。

아군 턴 터치

Hmph. You win.あんたの勝ちだ
Over where?そっちか
Time to swim.泳ぎに行こうぜ

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