신룡을 계승하는 자 율리아/대사


My name is Julia—she who inherited the ability to use the book of the Divine Dragon, Naga.わたしはユリア…聖なる竜の書ナーガを受け継ぐ者です…

The Book of Naga...has always seemed both familiar...and mysterious.聖書ナーガ…なんだかとても懐かしいような、不思議な気持ちになります…
My mother and father...and my brother Julius... They were all as kind as you can imagine.わたしのお父様とお母様は、とても優しい方でした。そして、ユリウス兄様も…
As always, thank you for all that you do. Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help.いつもありがとうございます。あの、何かわたしにお手伝いできることはありますか?
Seliph...that is, my brother...is the sort of person who could lead a world toward peace.
As are you, clearly.
My brother Julius, once very kind, turned into a twisted devil...
Then by that devil's hands, my mother...and my father... Oh, it's beyond anything!

친구 방문

Ah. Sorry to be a bother, but I've found myself here and... Where am I exactly?ハッ… すみません、わたし、気がついたらここに…ここはどこでしょうか?

레벨 업

I will fight—no matter who our foe!どんな敵でも、わたしは戦います。
I want to grow stronger so I can give my all.強くなって、あなたをお助けしたいです。
I won't take flight, no matter how dire things may get.辛くても、逃げたりしません…


I grow closer to understanding the reason I am here.自分が生まれてきた理由…わかりかけてきた気がします。

5성 40레벨 달성

My brother Julius and I both inherited a special power through our lineage.
I...gained the ability to use the Book of Naga.
My brother...could take hold of a book of terrible darkness, and it turned him into a devil of a man.
Both of our fates were made merely because of lineage.
What if I could succumb to what took hold of my brother—become your worst enemy against my will?
The thought terrifies me. But I take heart in one thing—how you have continued to be there for me.
I believe, were that to happen, that one word from you would bring me back to my senses.
I ask you to never leave my side, so that I...can never leave yours.





오의 발동

Away with you!いやです!
May the gods protect me.神のご加護を…
I...I remember!思い出しました
I'll fight... I will!わたしは戦う…




May you never be hurt.おけがはありませんか?
May the gods ever protect you.どうか神のご加護がありますように…
Oh! I see. It's you, isn't it?きゃ… あ。あなたでしたか…
To be bathed in such warm light!ここは、暖かい光に包まれています…
Wh-what? Have I done...? What?…… ハッ…わたし…いったい何を…?
Mother... You always watch over me.母様が…いつも見守っていてくれます…
I want to help you too...わたしも、あなたをお助けしたいです…

아군 턴 터치

All right.はい…
Of course.共に行きます

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장

It can't be...!いけない…!

오의 발동 - 신장

I am as ice and snow.氷雪のように
With newfound power.新たな力で
No escape for you.逃がしません
Be quiet. Be still.せめて安らかに…

패배 - 신장

So cold! It burns...寒い…です…

상태창 - 신장

This outfit comes from a land of ice... I hope it suits me.これは…氷の国の衣装だそうです。どうでしょうか?
Ah! Have...you mistaken me for another?きゃあっ…! あ、あの、どなたかとお間違えでは…?
I am sorry. Am I being cold?あ…ごめんなさい、冷たかったですか…?
When I was a child, a book my mother read to me contained stories of different worlds.子供の頃、母様が読んでくれた絵本にも異国のお話がありました。
I...I feel a little unsure of myself... Will you let me know if you see Seliph?何だか恥ずかしくて…セリス様にはお会いできません…
I wonder if I can become close with the people of Nifl...ニフル王国の皆さまとも、仲良くなれるでしょうか…?
Being with you warms my heart.あなたといると…心が温まる気がします…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

For you, yes.あなたのために
Where ought I go?行先は…
Are you not cold?寒くありませんか?

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