성제의 성자 율리아/대사


I am Julia... As a descendant of Saint Heim, I will perform a rite to ensure a wonderful festival.わたしはユリア…聖者ヘイムの末裔としてこの聖祭をつつがなく祭祀奉ります。

The Book of Naga was once wielded by Saint Heim, but instead of my brother Julius, or Lord Seliph...
...I was the one who inherited it. But...why? Why me?
Thanks to Lord Seliph, I have found meaning in my life. I will strive for the sake of the world and all its people.わたしはセリス様のおかげで自分が生きる意味を知りました。世のため、人のために努める覚悟です。
The festival will continue for a while longer, so please do not be afraid to get some rest if you become fatigued.聖祭はしばらく続きますから…お疲れが深くならないうちにお休みくださいませ。
This festival exists to remember the wills of our ancestors and the blood they passed down to us.肉親や祖先の方々の遺志を語り継ぎ、受け継いでゆくこと……それも聖祭の大事な意義なのです。
For as long as I have known them, Lord Seliph and Lord Leif have been inseparable.セリス様とリーフ様は気が合うご様子…以前もわたしがお呼びするまでずっと、お二人でお話が尽きないようでした。

친구 방문

Oh no... I'm sorry, but I would like to return to [Friend]'s castle now...あの……困りました。[フレンド]さんのお城へ戻りたいのですが……

레벨 업

Prayer brings light... And light becomes the white dragon that will vanquish the black dragon!いのりは光……光は白い竜となり暗黒の竜に戦いを……!
As one descended from Saint Heim, I will take the book of light and pray to the heavens...聖者ヘイム、その末裔として。光の聖書を持ちて天に祈る…
May Naga protect us...ナーガ神のご加護を……


Thank you. I appreciate that you thought to give me this.ありがとうございます。あなたの想い、いただきました。

5성 40레벨 달성

Even though this is a festival...my outfit is not very different from what I normally wear, is it?
Hehe... I thought the same thing. But it seems my usual attire is quite similar to what Saint Heim once wore.
Speaking of similarities... It is curious that our god of light shares her name with a god from other worlds.
Even in worlds beyond my own, darkness is born, and light arrives to chase it away...
I pray that Naga's great purpose transcends worlds...and brings peace to all people.




It can't be...!そんな…!

오의 발동

Saint Heim...聖者ヘイムよ…
Grant me your power.わたしに力を
Let us give thanks.感謝しましょう
To bring peace to this land.平和をこの地に


I am sorry...ごめん…なさい…


This festival is dedicated to the 12 crusaders.今日は十二聖戦士を称えるお祭りなんです。
Hm? Oh, you must be excited for the festival, too.きゃっ…! あなたでも、お祭りではしゃいだりするんですね。
A sacred Brand appears on the body of each direct descendant of a crusader.聖戦士の直系の子孫は、体のどこかに聖なる印が現れます…
Under Saint Heim's great leadership, the people were able to free themselves from the Loptr Empire's control.聖者ヘイムは偉大な指導者で、人々をロプト帝国の支配から解放したんです。
Only Naga can be used against the dark god... And I am the only one that can use it.暗黒神に対抗できるのはナーガだけ…わたしはその唯一の…
Where could Lord Seliph—my brother...be? I would like to enjoy the festival with him.セリス様…にいさまはどちらに? 一緒にお祭りを回りたいのですが…
You are unfamiliar with this festival, I think. Allow me to tell you a little about it.あなたには馴染みのないお祭りでしょう? わたしがお教えしますね。

아군 턴 터치

I will go.いってきます
Please guide me.導いてください

캐릭터 페이지로