수확제의 쿠노이치 카게로/대사


Kagero, ninja of Hoshido, making an unannounced visit. Trick or treat? Please promptly choose your fate.白夜王国のくの一、カゲロウ推参。悪戯かお菓子か…お主の運命早々に決めるがいい。

Witches, ghoulish pumpkins, and ghosts... Is the harvest festival a gathering of evil spirits?南瓜に魔女に亡者の仮装…収穫祭なる祭りは魑魅魍魎の集会か…
Some popular snacks of Hoshido include sweet dango and rice crackers.
Of course, the snacks of Nohr are delicious as well...
A ninja must be adept at blending in with crowds to remain hidden. This maid costume is perfect to that end.
Enjoy your time at the festival. I will be watching from the shadows.
A true ninja can play tricks on people in complete silence. Would you care to learn some of the basics?悪戯など、くの一にかかれば音もなく仕掛けることができる。貴殿にも手ほどき致そうか?
This is a traditional maid outfit from Nohr. Maids are similar to ninja in that we are both dedicated to a master.これは暗夜の装束…メイド服だ。メイドは我ら忍と同じく、主君に身を捧げる者だという。

친구 방문

I bring you a fond greeting at [Friend]'s command.
This drink will quench your thirst.

레벨 업

Do you desire a trick or a treat? Choose and I will see it done.悪戯もお菓子も、望む方をくれてやろう。
This festival's atmosphere is... enjoyable. I will try to enjoy it more.この祭りの空気…悪くない。もう少し楽しんでみるとしよう。
Careless... Perhaps the festival is proving too much of a distraction.迂闊…!祭りの雰囲気に飲まれてしまうとは…


I thank you with all my heart. It seems we had a good harvest.かたじけない。よい収穫になったようだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

As a ninja, it is my duty to swiftly and silently carry out any mission commanded of me.
No matter what fate may await me upon its completion.
Participating in this harvest festival is a sort of mission, which means I must not let my emotions interfere.
However...interacting with fellow festival goers, seeing their warm and welcoming smiles...
Something changed.
I suppose I realized that to truly participate, I must truly enjoy myself.
So I must not hesitate. For the sake of the mission, I must begin enjoying myself immediately.
Now, tell me... Do you desire a trick or a treat? I, Kagero, ninja of Hoshido, will fulfill your wish!





오의 발동

Treat or trick?とりっくおあとりーと
I'll take your candy.お菓子をもらう
Time for a trick.悪戯する
Autumnal Concealment.忍法変わり身の術


It's...the clothes...この格好は…着慣れぬ…


*grumble/unhappy noise*ううむ…
Do you find this outfit odd? I'm not surprised.この格好が珍しいか? …そ、そうであろうな…
Do not do that. I am no spirit.きゃっ!? よ、よせ、私は物の怪ではない。
This is Nohrian garb? How shameless...これが暗夜の装束か…? なんと恥知らずな…
Why must I suffer this humiliation?解せぬ…なにゆえ私ばかりがこのような辱めを…
Those who do not give treats must suffer a trick. That is the rule.お菓子をくれぬ者にはいたずらをせねばならぬ…それが掟だ
A ninja must be ready to take on anything...くノ一たる者…どのような任務も務めねばならぬ。
Rest here a moment. I'll prepare a tea that goes nicely with sweets.お菓子に合う茶をたてよう。一休みするといい。

아군 턴 터치

I will obey.心得た
I'll do as I must.これも役目…

캐릭터 페이지로