흔들리지 않는 인연 카게로/대사


I am Kagero, and this is my friend Orochi. We're here to celebrate the wind festival!私はカゲロウ、こちらは私の友オロチ。オロチ、ここが風の祭りの会場だ。二人で祭りによい風を吹かせよう。

Orochi : These feathers are from peacocks, aren't they? Such a rare species— you hardly ever see them in the wild.オロチ : この装束に使われているのはクジャクの羽根じゃな!滅多に見ない珍しい鳥なのじゃ。
Orochi : Kagero and I have been joined at the hip since we were little. That's why we work together so well!オロチ : わらわとカゲロウは幼い頃からの顔なじみ。誰よりも絆が深い阿吽の呼吸の間柄じゃ!
Kagero : It's not often that Orochi and I get to attend a festival together. We'd best make the most of it while we're here.カゲロウ : オロチと一緒に祭りに出かけるのは久しぶりだな。今日は肩の荷を下ろしひとときの祭りを楽しむとしよう。
Kagero : A ninja always has to know which way the wind's blowing. Their very survival depends on it.カゲロウ : 忍たる者、いかなるときも戦場の風向きを読めなければ生き残ることは叶わぬ。
Orochi : I think I just overheard someone call me "immature." The gall! What about ME says immature?!オロチ : 納得いかぬ! 先ほど異界の者がわらわを見て「妹さん?」と…どこを見てそう思ったのじゃ!?

친구 방문

Orochi : We made it, Kagero! The splendid castle you see before you is where [Friend]'s friend lives.オロチ : カゲロウ、着いたぞ! ここが[フレンド]の盟友の城じゃな。よい城ではないか!

레벨 업

Orochi : Very good! The wind festival is off to a roaring start!オロチ : よいぞ、わらわの占いでは風の祭りは大成功に向かっておる!
Kagero : Keep it up, Orochi! Now we really have the wind at our backs!カゲロウ : オロチ、この調子だ。今の風向きは我らに好都合!
Kagero : I'm sorry, Orochi. I fell out of step.カゲロウ : すまない、オロチ。呼吸を合わせられなかった…


Kagero : Thank you! Now we'll really kick up some dust on the battlefield.カゲロウ : ありがたい。これで疾風よりも速く戦場を駆けることができるだろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Orochi : Ahh! Nothing to put the heart at ease like a good festival.
Kagero : True—provided you have the right person by your side.
I doubt I would have had nearly as much fun without you here, Orochi.
Orochi : Whoa there! Are you trying to make me blush, Kagero?
I agree, of course. You're my best friend in the world, and that's the sort of bond that never fades.
Kagero : Very true, my friend. There's no gale strong enough to tear the two of us apart.
オロチ : 祭りというのは心が躍るのう。この風の祭りも楽しませてもらったぞ!
カゲロウ : ああ。誰と過ごすかで祭りの楽しさは大きく変わる。
オロチ : そ、そういうふうに正面切って言われると照れるではないか!そうじゃな…
カゲロウ : ああ。どんなに強い風が吹こうとも私たちの絆は不変。揺らぐことは決してない。





오의 발동

Duo : Vanish from our sight!二人 : 吹き飛ぶがいい!
Duo : We've sealed...your fate!二人 : 決めるぞ もちろんじゃ!
Kagero : Faster than the wind...カゲロウ : 風より速く…
Orochi : Dance on the breeze!オロチ : 舞うがいい!


More training is required...また…修行せねば…


These outfits are bold. All the more reason to show off!「なかなか大胆な衣装だな」「見事に着こなしてみせようぞ!」

아군 턴 터치

We'll make a path.なぎ倒す
Leave it to us.任せるのじゃ

공격시 후위 서포트

I have foreseen victory!負けるでないぞ!
I'm here for you!わらわが隣におるぞ!

비익/쌍계 스킬

Like two peas... In a pod!「無二の」「親友じゃ!」
We won't fail. Indeed!「負けぬぞ」「当然」

비익/쌍계 대화

Orochi : Aha! An auspicious sign...オロチ : ふんふん…。おお、これはなかなかよい目が出たの。
Kagero : What is it, Orochi? Another divination?カゲロウ : 何をしているオロチ。また占いか?
Orochi : Exactly. I must discern how we'll perform as a unit.オロチ : ああ。わらわとカゲロウがこの祭りでいかに活躍できるかをな。
Kagero : Do we really need the cards for that? We've been together since we were little.カゲロウ : そんなことはわかりきっている。私たちは幼い頃からの親友だ。
No one here knows you better than I do.この場の誰よりも互いを理解している。負けることなどありえない。
Orochi : You just love to blurt things out, don't you? Have a little tact...オロチ : もう…カゲロウはわらわのこととなるとちょっと素直すぎて、照れてしまうのじゃ。
Kagero : I'm simply speaking the truth. Don't tell me you're embarrassed to hear it!カゲロウ : 素直も何も本当のことを言っているだけだ。照れることなどないだろう。
I've been carrying your smile with me all this time, Orochi. I don't see why I'd forget that now.まあオロチの照れた顔は愛らしいから、何度見てもよいのだがな。
Orochi : That's enough with the gushy talk! We're not kids anymore.オロチ : 愛らしいなんてやめい!もう大人なのに…!
Kagero : Maybe not, but who's to say we won't grow even closer as we get older?カゲロウ : 愛らしい大人がいてもいいではないか。そのまま愛らしいおばあちゃんになればいい。
Orochi : Well, someday, we will be little old ladies...but not today. I shudder to think of it.オロチ : お、おばあちゃん~?それはまあ、いずれはそうなるが、まだ考えたくないのう…
Kagero : Oh, it won't be that bad. Picture this: the two of us enjoying the breeze on the veranda as we sip some tea...カゲロウ : そうか? 私は悪くないぞ。私とオロチと、並んで縁側で茶を飲むんだ。
Peace has returned, and we're free to relax and admire the cherry blossoms... Won't that be nice?戦いが終わった平和な世界で、散歩したり桜を愛でたり…良いと思わないか?
Orochi : Well, when you put it that way, I can't complain. I guess we will be stuck with each other!オロチ : ふむ…。それは確かに悪くはないな。その時までわらわたちは一緒ということか?
Kagero : Naturally. And don't even think about getting killed out there.カゲロウ : 当然だ。だから、何があっても生き残ってくれなくては困るぞ、オロチ。
Orochi : Perish the thought! Still, that's enough woolgathering. We should turn our attention to the fight.オロチ : 任せておけ。さて、まずはこの戦を生き残らねばのう。
Kagero : Agreed. Our teamwork can't be beaten...not in this battle, or any other. Onward!カゲロウ : ああ。どんな戦いでも私たちが負けることはない。いくぞ!

캐릭터 페이지로