주먹밥 무사 카게츠/대사


I am Kagetsu of Elusia! We shall be friends from today onward. Is Princess Ivy here?イルシオン王城兵、カゲツじゃ!そなたとは今日から友人となる。我が主君、アイビー様はおるか?

More delicious onigiri today! I did well to bring rice to Askr. But what to do once I run out...うむ、今日もおにぎりが美味いのう!幾許かの米を持参し正解じゃった。しかし、これが尽きたらどうすれば…
I hail from Pale Sands, where my family is prominent. But freedom is beyond price!余は白の砂漠という地の出身でな。故郷ではそれなりの家柄だったが、自由には代えられんと出てきたのじゃ!
You work hard but overdo things. Let me ease your burden. I will do the grunt work, dear friend!そなたは勤勉だが働きすぎじゃ。抱えておる雑務は余に任せよ。案ずるな、余たちは心の友であろう!
I see that you have fought many battles. Come—let us duel! Though I fear your weapon's projectiles...召喚師殿は百戦錬磨の強者と見た。是非、余と手合わせをしてくれぬか!…じゃが、飛び道具相手では余が不利か?
Will you go out with me? Today, let us deepen our bond! Perhaps we can take a meal outside.召喚師殿、今日は余と「でーと」しようぞ!一緒に出掛けて親睦を深めるのじゃ。「ぴくにっく」なんかも良いのう。

친구 방문

I am Kagetsu, here to deliver tidings from my friend and yours, [Friend]![フレンド]からの便りを届けに馳せ参じた、カゲツと申す!この城の英雄豪傑は皆、今日から友じゃ!

레벨 업

Yes! Exactly as I foresaw!やったやった! 今日は何か、良い事がある予感がしたのじゃ!
My skills have improved. You will soon see!また強くなったぞ。腕試しがしたいのじゃ!
What?! I do not understand!えー、これだけか?理解不能の奇々怪々じゃ!


I am filled with power! I want to spar! Quickly, now!力が漲るのじゃ!今すぐ誰かと手合わせをしたいぞ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Listen well, Summoner! I have small talents for foresight, as my mother is a priestess.
Today, I learned we are compatible as both friends and allies in battle... thanks to visions from above.
Do not tell me... You anticipated this? Impressive.
I cannot help but smile to hear this. How delightful! Let us go out...a very special outing!
Sparring, eating Pale Sands cuisine... And whatever else you want to do, my cherished friend!





오의 발동

We could have been friends.嫌いではないのだぞ?
Will you go out with me?「でーと」しようぞ!
Even mighty ones fall!盛者必衰!
Rest in pieces.完全勝利!


I am...defeated?討ち果たされたか…


Oh! Would you like to train with me? Come—show me your skill!なんじゃ、遊んでくれるのか? それとも手合わせが良いかのう。
*startle* You came at me while my guard was down. Well struck!うおっ、余の隙を突くとはそなた…さては百戦錬磨の強者じゃな!?
It is not mere chance that you and I have met. Will you go out with me, so we can strengthen our bond?ここで相まみえるのも、何かしらの縁。これから「でーと」して親睦を深めようぞ。
Many people in Elusia were curious about my clothing. Would you also like to know more about it?そなたも装束が気になるか? 余のいたイルシオンでは随分と珍しがられたものじゃ。
I long for my homeland's cuisine. Grilled fish and rice for breakfast... Askr does not do this.まさかアスクの食文化も故郷と違うとはな。白米に焼き魚の朝餉が恋しいのう。
I have not seen Princess Ivy. Do you suppose she has gotten lost? I fear she will be wandering alone after nightfall...アイビー様はどこじゃ…もしや迷子になっておるのか? まったく仕方のない主君じゃ。
I am pleased that you are keen to spend so much time together. Our bond of friendship has grown incredibly strong!そなたはよく、余をつんつんしにくるが…もしかして、余のことがスキなのか?余も召喚師殿のことが、親友として大スキじゃ!

아군 턴 터치

Show me your skill.手合わせじゃな!
I am full of vigor!元気満々じゃ!

캐릭터 페이지로