떠돌이 용병 카무이/대사


I'm Kamui, a wandering mercenary. So you're my new boss? I'll make sure you aren't wasting your money.流れの傭兵、カムイだ。あんたが新しい雇い主かい?もらった金のぶん、きっちり働くぜ。

Ever since I arrived, people keep mistaking me for some monk. Do we really look that much alike?ここに来てからよく坊さんと間違われるんだが…。その坊さん、そんなに俺に似てんのか?
I've lived my life as a wanderer. I don't put down roots.俺は流れ者として生きてきたからな。ひとところに留まるのはあまり慣れてないのさ。
With all these Heroes, you'd think someone else might be called Kamui too. But I guess not.いろんな異界から英雄が来てるんだろ?似たような名前の英雄がいても不思議じゃないさ。
Might be nice to settle down one day and make a safe haven for other mercs with no place to go.行き場のない傭兵たちを集めて国を作ってみるのもおもしろいかもしれねえなあ。
Valbar's a guy who sees things as they are. If he already sized you up, then we should be good to go.バルボさんは筋を通す人だ。あの人があんたを認めてるのなら俺も従うぜ。

친구 방문

I'm Kamui, a wandering mercenary. At the moment, I swing my blade for [Friend].俺はカムイ、流れ者の傭兵だ。今は[フレンド]に世話になってんだ。

레벨 업

Hiring me was the right choice. Go on, say it!どうだい、俺を雇って正解だったろ?
You know how to keep me busy! No complaints, though. More work, more pay!次から次へと忙しいぜ。たんまり稼げそうだけどな!
Well, that wasn't worth it.ちょっと割に合わねえな…。


This job has some perks!いい雇い主に出会えたみたいだな。感謝するぜ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I was born a wanderer. I've seen my share of kingdoms, and more than my share of battlefields.
This, though, is my first time in a new world. Never thought I'd end up somewhere my feet can't carry me.
Believe me when I say that Askr is one of the better places I've been. Just look at everybody! All smiles.
And listen to them too. These Heroes have vowed to defend this kingdom with their lives. I can see why.
But most important is the fact that there are precisely zero necrodragons. I'll miss this place...
Yes, I'll be on my way sooner or later, but work comes first. The peace of Askr is at stake!





오의 발동

Wanna try that again?甘いんだよなあ
Say good night!やられちまえ!
Nice try! How 'bout this?!危ねえ危ねえ
I'm just in it for the money.これも金の為!


Is this...where it ends?あーあ…ここまでかよ…


The name's Kamui. I'll work for whoever is willing to pay me.カムイだ。俺はまあ、雇ってくれるんなら誰でもいいしな。
Huh? Stop kidding around, I'm trying to relax here.うわ!? なーにふざけてんだ。幼稚なことすんじゃねえよ。
*yawn* What? You need something done? Sure, I'm on it...ふぁ~あ…、なんだ、任務? やれやれ…
This job you need done: we won't be running into any necrodragons, right? Right?…なあ。ここにはドラゴンゾンビはいねえよな?
Valbar was all right as far as employers go. I wonder how you'll fare.バルボさんは悪くない雇い主だったぜ。お前はどうかなあ。
When I finally return home, I may just consider settling down for good.ここから帰ったら、どっかに腰を据えるのもいいかもしれねえなあ…
I'm a bit of a wanderer, so I'm used to being away from home. I guess you could say I've enjoyed my time here.俺は流れ者だからな。ここの暮らしもけっこう楽しいぜ。

아군 턴 터치

Keep it moving.早くしろ
All right, all right.はいはいっと

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