용의 아이 칸나/대사


Hi. It's good to meet you! I'm Kana. My mama is Corrin. I can turn into a dragon and then, wow, can I fight!はじめまして、僕はカンナ!お母さんはカムイっていう名前だよ。僕も竜になって、かっこよく戦うからね!

You are the best, Summoner! Hey, you can call up all sorts of different Heroes, right?
So can you summon a friend to play with me? Someone who can turn into a dragon, like I can!
I used to live in a place that was somewhere in the Deeprealms.
Almost all that time, I couldn't fight at all, but now I can use a sword. And a dragonstone too!
Thanks for saying hi. Let's play a game when you're done with work. I'll get lots of other people too!声をかけてくれてうれしい!お仕事終わったら一緒に遊ぼうよ!たくさん人を集めておくね!
Next time we battle, you should hop on my back when I'm a dragon!
I know you don't usually go onto the battlefield with us, but then you could. We'd never lose!
Don't tell Mama that I play catch with my dragonstone. See? Sparkles really neat when I toss it in the air!竜石で遊んでたよ、お母さんには内緒ね。ほら、こうやって上に投げると、キラキラしてすっごく綺麗でしょ?

친구 방문

Oh, hey! It's really you, isn't it, [Summoner]!
I've come to say hi for your friend [Friend]!

레벨 업

Think I'll ever be as strong as Mama?お母さんみたいに強くなれた!?
Look! Did I do it right?ちょっと強くなったよ!えらいー?
I'll try harder. I promise.次またがんばるよ!


Thanks for that. You're really kind, just like my Mama.強くしてくれてありがとう!お母さんみたいに優しいね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, Mama! Look what I—wait, you're [Summoner], not my mama!
That was a funny mistake to make! I wonder what made me think you were Mama? You don't look like her...
I guess it's just 'cause I love you just like I love her. Did you know that? It's true!
You always wanna play with me, and you also show me what to do in our battles.
I'm practicing all the time to be even better in fights—have you noticed? Have you seen how strong I am?
You just watch—I'll keep you safe with my dragon powers forever!
あっ…お母さん! …じゃなかった、[召喚師]さーん!うう、なんで間違えちゃったんだろう…




Ow ow ow!!いたたっ…!

오의 발동

We won't give up!折れたりしない!
You won't stop me!道を空けてくれ…!
I'll protect everyone!絶対守るんだ!
Just like Mama!お母さんみたいに!




Thanks for coming to play with me!遊んでくれてありがとうー!
I'm really good at using my dragon powers. I'll show you soon!竜の力、うまくやってみせるからね
This whole place is kinda weird, isn't it?ここ、不思議な感じの場所だよね
My Mama is really strong. I wanna be just like her.僕のお母さんはすっごく強くて、憧れなんだ
You have one of those div...divine weapons? Oh, neat!あなたも「じんぎ」ってやつを持ってるんだ、いいなあ
I wonder where Mama is... Wait, she hasn't gotten lost, has she?お母さんどこにいるんだろう…まさか、迷子になってるのかな
You just watch. I'm going to grow into the strongest one around here. And then I'll keep you safe!見ててね…僕、あなたのために強くなるから!一人前の戦士になって、あなたを守ってみせるからね

아군 턴 터치

Do my best!がんばるよ!

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