신년의 떠오르는 용 칸나/대사


I'm Kana! Nice to meet you! Hope you're enjoying the new year so far!はじめまして! 僕はカンナ!にぎやかな声が聞こえてくるね。アスク王国のお正月、楽しんじゃうよ!

I know dragonstones shouldn't be spun around like tops... But don't they look like they could be?!竜石を使ったコマ回し…そ、そんなことしちゃダメだよね。でも、できるのか気になるなぁ…。
We always wear our kimonos on New Year's in Hoshido. They're kinda hard to walk in, but you learn real fast!白夜王国のお正月は、この着物を着るんだよ。ちょっと動きにくいけど華やかな気持ちになるんだよね!
I heard a rumor there's a place that has a "year of the dragon." I bet their dragons are super strong that year!とある異界には「竜の年」ってものがあるんだって! もしかして竜の力が強くなる年なのかな?
Look at all the yummy food! What should I eat first? Ah, it's so hard to choose... Might as well try everything!お正月には美味しそうな料理がたくさんあるんだねー。目移りしちゃうよ!
Do you wanna play hanetsuki, [Summoner]?
The winner gets to draw on the loser's face!

친구 방문

I'm glad I found you! I was told to wish you a happy New Year! From your friend [Friend].あけましておめでとう![フレンド]さんからお正月の挨拶を預かってきたよ!

레벨 업

Do you think I'd get more New Year's gifts if I was stronger?もっと強くなったらお年玉いっぱいもらえるかな?
The cold can't stop me... Especially not on New Year's!せっかくのお正月だもん。寒さに負けてられないよね!
Oof, I think I ate too much mochi. My belly really hurts...あれっ? おかしいなあ。おせち料理を食べ過ぎちゃったかな…。


A New Year's gift? For me? Wow, thanks a lot!これってお年玉?ありがとう! もらっておくね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]!
Look at the yummy mochi I got! They're so fresh that they're still warm! Here, eat some!
Isn't Askr's New Year so much fun? Everyone is so happy, and there's food everywhere you look!
We didn't really celebrate New Year's in the place I lived before, so I feel really lucky that I get to enjoy it now!
I wish we could celebrate New Year's every single day! I'd have fun with my friends and Mama all the time.
Maybe everyone in Askr will be happy like they are on New Year's once there's peace...





오의 발동

Happy New Year!おめでとう!
Ring it in!新年だよ!
No gifts for you!お年玉ちょーだい!
This is fun!楽しいね!


Stayed up too late...眠くなっちゃった…


Happy New Year! Let's make it the best one ever!明けましておめでとう! いい年にしようね!
Ah! Hey, that's my first scare of the new year! Thanks!わあっ!? あっ、今のが初びっくりだ!
New Year's is great! I get to have fun with all my friends and eat yummy food! What could be better?ご馳走がたくさんで、みんなで遊べて、お正月って楽しいね!
Look! Mama gave me a New Year's gift! I bet I know what's inside...見て見て、お母さんからお年玉もらっちゃった!
I ate three whole mochi today, and I'm still hungry!僕ね、お餅みっつも食べたんだよ! すごいでしょ?
My goal this year is to become as strong as Mama!もっと強くなって、お母さんみたいになれますように…
Let's have lots of fun together this year, OK?今年もいーっぱい、あなたと遊びたいな!

아군 턴 터치

You got it!わかったよ!
It's a brand new year!ごあいさつするよ!

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