열사를 베는 투기 카아라/대사


I am Karla. My expertise lies in blades, but I hope to learn more about how Hatari warriors fight with a lance.私はカアラ、刃とともに歩んできた者。砂漠の王国の祭りか…面白い、ひとつお手合わせ願おう。

I am told that this is traditional Hatari festival garb. It does not offer much protection, but it is easy to fight in.これがハタリの民が祭りで用いる装束…ずいぶんと肌が出ているようだがきっと云われがあるのだろうな。
This festival would be a good chance to test myself against Karel without either of us losing our lives...この祭りならば…兄者とも命のやり取りをすることなく勝負ができるかもしれないな…。
Even while wielding another weapon, the spirit of the sword burns within my soul. It is my constant companion.剣を手にせずとも私は一歩も引かぬ。なぜならば…私の心の中には常に剣があるからだ。
Do not expect me to go easy on you just because this is a festival. If you wish to test me, bring your very best.祭りと言えど、私の前に立つならば一切の容赦はしない。全力でかかってくるがいい。
They say Hatari was isolated from the rest of the world for years, like I was isolated from my tribe.ハタリは、外界と離れた謎の国と聞く。なるほど、我が一族も…外から見れば似たようなものか。

친구 방문

I am Karla. Know that the passion of the Hatari festival is alive and well at [Friend]'s castle.カアラと申す。[フレンド]の城ではハタリの祭りが熱を帯びているようだ。

레벨 업

It will take opponents far stronger than this to make me flinch!その程度の踏み込みでは私を退かせることはできぬ!
I think I have gotten over my initial unfamiliarity with this garb. Now I can really cut loose.装束も身体に馴染んできたようだ。さらに厳しく打ち込ませてもらうぞ。
How could I let this happen... Did I lose myself in the festivities again?私としたことが…祭りの熱に浮かされてしまうとは。


This festival has something to teach all of us, it seems.この祭り、自分なりに得るものがあったようだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have not yet thanked you for inviting me to this festival of warriors, have I?
My sole purpose in life has been to become skilled enough with the blade to surpass my brother.
Even knowing that it would force me to either take my opponent's life, or lose my own...I fought to surpass him.
I did not think highly of those who would risk their lives in an arena for a chance at fame and fortune.
But what drives this festival is different: not glory, but passion. Not vanity, but pride.
I am thankful for each and every one of my opponents. I will not forget this experience for as long as I live.





오의 발동

I will not hold back.手は抜かぬぞ
Do me the honor.お相手願おう
One step closer...これも修行…
Show me your strength.腕をみせろ


It was beyond my skills...ままならぬ…ものだ…


Thank you for inviting me to the festival.祭りへの招待、礼を言うぞ。
*sigh* To think I would wear something like this... I must have lost myself in the festivities.…!? 背後を許すとは、私も浮かれているということか…
Queen Nailah's skills are impressive. Exactly what I look for in an opponent.ニケ女王は相当の手練れと見た。お相手願いたいものだ。
I may be unaccustomed to this weapon, but I will not need excuses.使い慣れぬ武器だが、言い訳にするつもりはない。
I have seen many festivals in my travels, but...none as lively as this.様々な国で祭りを見てきたが…こんなに心躍る祭りは初めてだ。
This festival is filled with many skilled participants... Will my brother be drawn here as well?これだけの手練れが集う祭りなら…兄者も…?
I am glad you think this suits me, but...for some reason, I feel a little embarrassed hearing you say it.この衣装が似合うと…? そうか、何やらくすぐったいな。

아군 턴 터치

I must set an example.良い手だ
Where to?どこへ?
As you see fit.構わぬ

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