검희 카아라/대사


I am Karla. This place is very strange... Who might you be?私はカアラと申す。ここはまた妙な所だな…そしておぬしは何者だ?

Karel... Even if things can never again be how they were... I must keep going.兄者…昔には戻れぬと分かっていてもそれでも私は…
Only one can wield the sword of our clan. Aside from my brother, all have fallen... As will I, someday.
And yet...here I am.
Your diligence is worthy of respect. Take care not to overtax yourself, however.日々の務め、まことにご苦労。おぬしの勤勉さは見上げたものだがあまり根を詰めすぎるなよ。
I have seen much on my journey, but the sights here are rare indeed. Do you have the time to be my guide?私も旅をしていろんなものを見てきたがここは更に珍しいものが多いな。よければ少し案内してもらえるか?
Saw me training, did you? You might think I have no need to, but the habit is ingrained deep within me.剣を振っていた。己には不要と思ってみても身に付いた習慣は抜けぬものだな。

친구 방문

I am called Karla, and I have come to deliver greetings. You have a friend in [Friend].私はカアラ。挨拶に参った。[フレンド]をよろしく頼むぞ。

레벨 업

My body feels so light. Is this what it means to wield a sword?体が軽いな…これが剣を振るうということか。
Am I more my brother's match now?少しでも兄者に近づけただろうか。
I have fallen short...私では及ばぬということか…


What strength... Thank you. I will make use of this.このような力が…うむ、ありがたく使わせてもらうぞ。

5성 40레벨 달성

My clan lives by the sword. Our lives are spent improving our skills and slaying our foes.
Even our kin fall to our blades...
After leaving the plains, I came to realize that this is not the only form strength takes.
A sword is just a sword.
One man showed me how to truly become stronger...
My brother has also realized that the way of the sword is not merely killing others.
And after spending some time observing you, I have seen a new kind of strength.
How can I describe it? It is a strength honed by choosing not to fight.
I find it fascinating.
Until I can fully understand it... I will stay by your side.





오의 발동

My sword arts, brought to bear.お相手致す
How can I refuse a fight?是非もない
I do not enjoy battle...戦いは好かぬが
You will die.死ぬぞ?


I'll never reach him…これでは到底…兄者には…


Only one can wield the sword. That is the law of our clan.剣を継ぐのは、一人…それが、我らの掟。
Hm? You took advantage of an opening. I imagine you will have no complaint if I do the same.っ!? 隙があったな…今、斬られても文句は言えぬ。
I set out traveling to find my brother. I felt...attached to him. I still can’t seem to let go...私は兄者を捜して旅をしていた…未練だな。だが断ち切れぬ。
My brother gravitates toward strong warriors...兄者は強者(つわもの)のもとに現れる…
We are not human... We are no different than this blade.我らは人ではない…この刃と何も変わらぬ。
If I could, I would have stayed that way forever. Brother...兄者…かなうものなら、ずっとあのままでいたかった…
In the end, I know so little about the world. I wish for you to be my teacher.私は世の中を知らぬのでな…そなたに教えてもらいたい。

아군 턴 터치

Oh, I see!ほう、なるほど

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

You will die here.死んでもらう
Do not expect mercy.容赦はせん
I never hold back.手加減無用
Are you prepared?覚悟はいいか

패배 - 신장

Even now, I cannot...まだ…私には…

상태창 - 신장

Thank you for this outfit. I will strive to be worthy of it.新たな衣装、有難く受け取ったぞ。
*gasp* To let my guard down so easily... I still have much to learn.…!? 私としたことが…油断した。
Taking up the sword means always keeping company with death. Someday, it will be my turn to fall to it.我ら剣士は常に死と隣り合わせ。遠いものと思ったことはない。
I wonder what the realm of the dead is like... Perhaps Princess Eir can tell me more about it.死の国というのはどのようなところか、エイル王女に聞いてみたいものだ。
This outfit makes you smile, does it? Well, I do not put much thought into my attire...衣服にこだわりはないが、そなたの喜ぶ顔が嬉しい。
Brother... Will I ever catch up to you...?兄者…いつか追いつけるのだろうか…
From this moment on, I will be the sword at your side. Show me who to cut down, and I will bring death upon them.これからもそなたの剣となり、共に戦おう。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I see...よいかもしれぬ

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