산들바람 닌자 스즈카제/대사


My name is Kaze, a ninja in service of the Hoshidan royal family. I serve along with my brother Saizo.
Allow me to assist you as well.

I quite like the uniforms in the Order of Heroes. They remind me of the garb worn by Hoshidan kings.特務機関の装束は美しいですね。白夜王国の国王もあなた方のように、白を基調とした着物を纏われるのですよ。
I serve the royal family of Hoshido but I have not pledged myself to any single member.
I'm unfit to serve as anyone's personal retainer. When I was young, I failed to act, and...
You seem overly busy. Please, tell me how I may be of service. I will obey without hesitation.お忙しそうですが、お疲れではないですか?私にできることなら何でも仰ってください。あなたのこと、いつも心配しております。
This army would fall to pieces without you, so allow me to serve by your side on the battlefield.
I'll protect your life—even at the cost of my own.
I have been scouting hiding places around the castle. As a ninja, I would prefer to serve from the shadows.隠れられる場所を探しておりました…私は忍びです。本来なら姿を見せぬようお傍に控えているべきですからね。

친구 방문

I've come with a greeting from [Friend] for you.[フレンド]さんからの挨拶をあなたに届けに参りました。こちらをどうぞ。

레벨 업

I'm so close. I must work even harder!この結果を励みにもっと頑張りますね。
I must use this power to protect everyone...この力で皆さんをお助けしたいですね。
It's still not enough. I must train harder...すみません…次回こそは必ず…


Accept my gratitude for this new strength.新たな力を授けてくださり感謝いたします。

5성 40레벨 달성

I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me, but you need not pay me attention simply because I'm near.
Think of me as a...as a simple stone, if you will. Always near—
Oh? You talk with me because you want to, not merely out of obligation? Well, you really are too kind.
In that case, if you ever desire to chat, call upon me anytime. I will fulfill such a request with the utmost devotion.
I'm glad to continue serving under your command. I will remain as focused on your protection as ever.
…え? 気を遣っているわけでなく、私と話したいから声をかけている…?も、勿体ないお言葉です…!




Well done...やりますね…

오의 발동

It ends here.ここまでです
I'll make this quick...一思いに…
Please forgive me.お許しください
I assure you this is not personal.討ち取ります


I have...failed you...しくじり…ました…


I shall stand ready by your side.お傍に控えておりますよ
Do you have a retainer of your own?あなたにも家臣はいるのですか?
Do not hesitate to call upon me.任務でしたら、いつでも命じてください
For a long time I served no liege. But now...私は長い間主を持たずにいました。ですが、今は…
A lady -- unknown to me -- just gave me something. Can you explain this?先ほど、見知らぬ女性に野菜をいただいてしまいました
I hope my brother isn't pushing himself too hard. He's far from home...慣れぬ地で、兄さんが無茶をしていなければ良いのですが
Let me know if you need a scout. As a ninja, I am trained in stealth.偵察などが必要でしたら仰ってください…忍びゆえ、隠密行動は得意ですよ

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me.お任せを
Time to move.参りましょう

캐릭터 페이지로