늑대인간의 정월 플란넬/대사


I'm Keaton, and I'm itching for the first fight of the new year! When do we get going?俺はフランネル。新しい年がはじまったんだよな?んじゃ、一緒にひと暴れしようぜ!

I don't know how Kaden makes an outfit like this look comfortable. What's his secret?ニシキ、よくこんな窮屈な服を着て平気でいられるな…かたっ苦しくて仕方ないぜ!
Drawing omikuji's a New Year's tradition, I hear. My fortune's gonna be great—you'll see.お正月はおみくじってのが引けるらしいな。当たったらなにかいいものがもらえるとみた!
I wanna get Velouria a New Year's gift she'll really like. Any ideas?なあなあ、お年玉ってのはお金じゃないとダメなのか?ベロアが喜ぶものをあげたいんだけどな。
Mochi's delicious, but make sure you chew it right. Seriously, you can choke if you're not careful.はぁ、はぁっ…さっき、お餅ってやつを丸飲みして、ヤバいことになりかけた…。お前はちゃんと噛んで食えよ!
What, my tail? Yeah, look at it go. Guess there's no use in trying to hide that I'm enjoying the party.し、尻尾がぶんぶん動いているのはただの運動だ。お正月が楽しくて仕方がないわけじゃねーからな!

친구 방문

Hey, how'd I get here? Just a minute ago I was celebrating the new year with [Friend].ここはどこだ? おっかしーなー。[フレンド]の城でお正月を楽しんでいたはずなんだけど。

레벨 업

Oh yeah! I'm in top form this year!どうだ…!今年も俺の牙は絶好調だぜ!
Nothing like a good hunt to kick off the new year.正月早々、いい狩りができたみてーだな!
Ugh... It's like a bad dream...くそぉっ…悪い夢でも見ているのか…?


A New Year's gift? For me?!これってお年玉ってやつ!?大人ももらっていーのか?

5성 40레벨 달성

Enjoying the New Year's festivities? I've gotta admit, I'm having a great time, [Summoner].
Sure, I was leery at first...especially about the uncomfortable clothes. Thought this'd be pretty tedious.
But the kites and the hagoita are pretty fun. And the osechi—oh, yeah! Talk about delicious!
More than that, though, it's great just to see everybody enjoy themselves. The energy rubs off, y'know?
Velouria seems to feel the same way. She actually likes the weird clothes too. Go figure.
Anyway, what I'm saying is I'm happy to celebrate New Year's any day. You can even put me in a silly outfit for it!





오의 발동

Fresh meat!殺してやるよ
A gift from me to you!お年玉だ!
First hunt of the year!初獲物だな
New year, new Keaton!今年もやるぜ!


This isn't my year…やられちまった…


Ugh, I'm not used to this outfit... How am I supposed to hunt like this?だーーーもう! この服、すごく窮屈で動きにくいんだよ…
If you wanna brush my fur, I won't stop you...お? な、なんだ。撫でてくれるなら…遠慮とかすることねーし…
What do people do during the New Year? I'm not too familiar with Hoshidan customs.正月って何すりゃいいんだ? 白夜の風習はよく知らねー。
I know that mochi tastes better fresh, but if there's any that's moldy, I can add it to my collection.あの丸い餅っていう食い物、カビが生えたらいいお宝になりそうだぜ。
Check this kite out! It's broken in all the right places. Truly a work of art.見ろよ、この壊れた凧! この骨の飛び出し方が芸術的だよなー
Don't tell her, but I scrounged up the perfect New Year's gift for Velouria. Hehe!俺もベロアにお年玉ってのやろうと思うんだ。へへへ…
I'll be loyal and stay by your side all year if that's what you want, but only if you ask extra nicely!今年もお前がどうしてもっていうなら…傍にいてやらねーこともねーけど?

아군 턴 터치

I got ya.わかった
Which way?どっちだ…?
Here we go!いっちょやるか

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