적극적인 활 사용자 키사라기/대사


It's good to meet you! My name's Kiragi. My dad is Takumi, and I love him to death! I love hunting too!
Say, we should go hunting together!
はじめましてーっ! 僕はキサラギ!大好きな父上は、タクミって名前だよ。これから一緒に狩りに行こうよー!

Your divine weapon is so cool! Hunting and summoning are kind of similar, now that I think about it.
You'll never know who—or what— you'll encounter!
I grew up surrounded by nature. It was great playing in the mountains every day.
Oh, I don't mean to say being here isn't a lot of fun too! Because it is!
Tell me right away if you find yourself in trouble. I've got keen eyes so I can help out no matter where I am!危なくなったらすぐに僕に言ってね。僕はすっごく目がいいから、君が戦場のどこにいても助けに行くよ!
Want to join me for target practice? If you can hit a bullseye, maybe it'll improve your summoning!一緒に弓の練習しない?狙ったところに撃てるようになったら、狙った英雄が出てくるかもよ? なーんて!
I'm not great at studying, but I try my best. Hunting skills alone won't make for a strong royal.
I've gotta devote myself fully if I want to take after my dad!

친구 방문

This place looks like a lot of fun! Oh, I've come to say hello. I was sent by [Friend]!なんか楽しそうな場所に着いたーっ!あ、僕は挨拶を伝えに来たんだ。[フレンド]さんからだよ!

레벨 업

Wow! I feel like I'm ready for anything!すごーい!力がみなぎってくるよー!
A little bit better than yesterday...見て見て、また強くなったよーっ!
Eh, I'm good enough the way I am!現状維持ってのも悪くないんじゃない?


I want to show this new power to Dad. Think he'd be proud of me?ありがとう! この新しい力、父上に褒めてもらってくる!

5성 40레벨 달성

Wow, you've come to see me? I had a feeling something good would happen today!
I hope great things like this keep happening. That would eventually bring the world to peace, right?
I was raised in the Deeprealms, but I knew there was a war raging in the outside world.
Things must have been really tough for my parents. I just hate how war is so hard on everyone...
That's why I want to work to bring peace to all worlds. Hoshido, Nohr, and now Askr...
I want to turn them all into kingdoms where the only things that happen are great things!
And with you by my side, I think I can make that dream come true.





오의 발동

No more Mr. Nice Guy!僕がやるねー!
Here goes!ちょっと邪魔かも!
War is heck!こっち見てー?


Did what I could...僕…がんばったよ…


Who's the man! That was an amazing hunt!さっき狩りに成功したよ、僕って天才かも!
♪Hm-hm-hm...♪Another day, another chance for some fun. Let's go!ふんふんふーん♪ 今日も楽しいことがいっぱいだなー
When you get done with your Order of Heroes stuff, want to head up to the mountains with me? We could get some hunting in.特務機関のお仕事が終わったら、狩りに行こうよ。
My dad is the best. Seriously. So amazing.父上はすごくかっこよくて、僕の自慢なんだ!
If I believe something will go well, it does!うまくいくって信じてたら、なんでもその通りになるんだよ
One day, I'll wield the Fujin Yumi. But when?僕もいつか、風神弓を使う日が来るのかな…
Thanks for summoning me. I know what I'm good at, and I'll take care of what needs taking care of.召喚してくれてありがとう! 僕はここで戦うよ。他の誰でもない、僕ができることをするために。

아군 턴 터치

Oh, yeah!うん!
Kiragi's here!キサラギだよ!
So ready!わくわくするね!

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