이름도 모르는 영웅 크리스/대사


I'm Kris, knight of Altea and royal guard to the hero Prince Marth. But...you can just call me Kris.俺はアリティアの宮廷騎士、クリス。英雄王マルス様の近衛をつとめている。気兼ねなく、クリスと呼んでくれ。

Luke, Roderick, Cecil, Ryan...and then Katarina of course... I hope all my old platoonmates are well.ルーク、ロディ、セシル、ライアン、……それに、カタリナ。第七小隊のみんなは無事だろうか。
Prince Marth lost his country and his father. He carries a pain shared by every Altean atop his own.国と父王を失ったマルス様の苦しみは、すべてのアリティアの民の心にも哀しい思い出として、深く刻まれたんだ。
My grandfather said if I wanted to truly serve Altea, as he did, there was one thing I must never do: cook.俺の祖父は、元アリティアの騎士だった。だから俺も国のお役に立てるようにと、それはもう厳しく育てられたよ。
As a royal guard, my duty is to keep Prince Marth safe. Even in unfamiliar worlds, that remains true.マルス様をお守りするのが近衛騎士の役目。見知らぬこの世界でも、俺はそうありたいと思っている。
HAH! ...Heee-YAH! ...Having fun watching from the sidelines? That's what summoners do, I suppose...ふんっ、はあっ……俺の稽古を見ていておもしろいか?召喚師殿の考えることはわからんな。

친구 방문

I am Kris, of the Altean royal guard. This is for [Summoner].俺はマルス様の近衛騎士、クリスです。これを[召喚師]様へと預かって参りました。

레벨 업

My grandfather always said power without a path is mere brutality. That is why I follow Prince Marth's path!祖父は言っていた。「道なき力は獣にも劣る」と。だからこそ、俺はマルス様との道をゆく!
In time, we will be victorious. Prince Marth will rule a world at peace.俺たちは勝つ。マルス様が治める平和な世のために。
It's a good thing my grandfather isn't here to see this...これでは、祖父に顔向けできんな。


I can make use of this. Thank you.感じるままに、すべてを受け入れる。ありがとう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Does the power to summon make one strong? Strong enough to slay even the most fearsome dragons?
That's why I train. I want to be just as strong as the heroes I admire.
But the joy of getting stronger leads to wanting more and more, and along the way I've come to crave battle.
Grandfather warned me about power without principle... As I get stronger, I wonder if I may stray from the path.
But possessing a heart that can resist the draw toward darkness...that's the mark of a true hero.
Naturally, Prince Marth has such a heart, but...I sense the same in you. So, I'm happy at your side.


How's this!どうだ!



오의 발동

I'll see you gone.退いてもらうぞ
I must not lose!負けられない!
This is what I've trained for.訓練の成果を…
For Prince Marth!マルス様の為に!




Well met. I am called Kris. I hail from Sera. It's a small village, but it's home.俺はクリス。セラ村という小さな村の出身だ。よろしく頼む。
Whoa! Is this how you train knights?うおっ?! なんだ、これも訓練の一環か?
My grandather was a knight, and he taught me of battle. He was rather strict about it, truth told.戦い方はアリティアの騎士だった祖父に教わったんだ。厳しかったな…
Do you read a lot of books? Might you lend me a treatise on tactics? I'd appreciate it.召喚師どの、本は好きか? 戦闘の参考になるものがあったら貸してくれ。
My allies are remarkable people. After the War of Shadows, they didn't falter.俺の仲間は、暗黒戦争で活躍したすごい人ばかりなんだ。
Would I protect Prince Marth, I must become stronger still.もっと強くならなければ…マルス様をお守りするために。
Though I could be stronger, I truly wish to help.まだまだ力不足だが、あなたの役に立ちたいと思う気持ちは本物だ。

아군 턴 터치

I see...なるほど…
This way?こうか?
Let me be your strength.守ってみせる!

캐릭터 페이지로